Architecture OverviewPDF version

Cloudera Data Science Workbench Engines

Cloudera Data Science Workbench engines are responsible for running R, Python, and Scala code written by users and intermediating access to the CDH cluster.

You can think of an engine as a virtual machine, customized to have all the necessary dependencies to access the CDH cluster while keeping each project’s environment entirely isolated. To ensure that every engine has access to the parcels and client configuration managed by the Cloudera Manager Agent, a number of folders are mounted from the host into the container environment. This includes the parcel path -/opt/cloudera, client configuration, as well as the host’s JAVA_HOME. For more details on basic concepts and terminology related to engines in Cloudera Data Science Workbench, see Cloudera Data Science Workbench Engines.

  • Apache Phoenix requires additional configuration to run commands successfully from within Cloudera Data Science Workbench engines (sessions, jobs, experiments, models).


    Explicitly set HBASE_CONF_PATH to a valid path before running Phoenix commands from engines.
    export HBASE_CONF_PATH=/usr/hdp/hbase/<hdp_version>/0/