Extensible EnginesPDF version

Distribute the Image Manually

Once you have built a new custom engine, you can distribute the image manually.

Use the following steps to manually distribute the image on the cluster and every CDSW gateway node:
  1. Save the docker image as a tarball on the host where it was built
    docker image save -o ./<new_customized_engine>.tar <image-name>
  2. Distribute the image to all the Cloudera Data Science Workbench gateway hosts.
    scp ./<new_customized_engine>.tar root@<cdsw.your_company.com>:/tmp/
  3. Load the image on all the Cloudera Data Science Workbench gateway hosts.
    docker load --input /tmp/./<new_customized_engine>.tar
  4. To verify that the image was successfully distributed and loaded, run:
    docker images