Launch Workers

Launches worker engines into the cluster.

launch_workers(n, cpu, memory, nvidia_gpu=0, kernel="python3", script="", code="", env={})
  • n (int) - The number of engines to launch.
  • cpu (float) - The number of CPU cores to allocate to the engine.
  • memory (float) - The number of gigabytes of memory to allocate to the engine.
  • nvidia_gpu (int, optional) - The number of GPU's to allocate to the engine.
  • kernel (str, optional) - The kernel. Can be "r", "python2", "python3" or "scala".
  • script (str, optional) - The name of a Python source file the worker should run as soon as it starts up.
  • code (str, optional) - Python code the engine should run as soon as it starts up. If a script is specified, code will be ignored.
  • env (dict, optional) - Environment variables to set in the engine.
Example Usage


import cdsw
workers = cdsw.launch_workers(n=2, cpu=0.2, memory=0.5, code="print('Hello from a CDSW Worker')")


workers <- launch.workers(n=2, cpu=0.2, memory=0.5, env="", code="print('Hello from a CDSW Worker')")