Installation & UpgradePDF version

Installing CSD and Parcel

For installing Cloudera Streaming Analytics (CSA), you need to upload the downloaded Flink and SQL Stream Builder (SSB) Custom Service Descriptor (CSD) files to the default CSD directory, and add the CSA parcel to your cluster using Cloudera Manager.

  • Download the Flink and SSB CSD and parcel files.

    For more information about download Flink and SSB artifacts, see the Download location section.

  • Install CDP Private Cloud Base.

    For more information about installing CDP Private Cloud Base and Cloudera Manager, see the CDP Private Cloud Base documentation.

  1. Place the CSD files in the /opt/cloudera/csd/ folder (default CSD directory).
    wget -P /opt/cloudera/csd/
    wget -P /opt/cloudera/csd/
    Cloudera Manager automatically detects the CSD files.
  2. Change the ownership of the CSD files.
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/FLINK-1.14.0-csa1.7.0.0-cdh7.1.7.0-551-26280481.jar
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/SQL_STREAM_BUILDER-1.14.0-csa1.7.0.0-cdh7.1.7.0-551-26280481.jar
  3. Restart Cloudera Manager and CMS services for the changes to take effect.
    systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server
  4. Log into Cloudera Manager.
  5. Select Parcels on the Home > Hosts tab in the main navigation bar.
  6. Click on Parcel Repositories & Network Settings tab.
  7. Add the new Remote Parcel Repository URL for CSA.
  8. Enter your download credentials to HTTP authentication username override for Cloudera Repositories and HTTP authentication password override for Cloudera Repositories.
  9. Click Save & Verify Configuration to commit the change.
  10. Click Close.
    You are redirected to the Parcels page.
  11. Search for Flink, and click Download to download the parcel to the local repository.
  12. After the download is completed, click Distribute to distribute the parcel to all clusters.
  13. After the parcel is distributed, click Activate to activate the parcel.
  14. Click OK when confirmation is required.

    For more details, follow the standard procedure from the GUI or the API.

You have added the Flink and SSB CSD files, and the parcel to your cluster.
Add Flink as a service in Cloudera Manager. After adding Flink as a service, you are able to add SSB service to your cluster.