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Enabling Knox for SSB in CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7

When using SQL Stream Builder (SSB) on CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7, the Auto Discovery feature of Knox is not supported for SQL Stream Builder (SSB). This means you must manually configure Knox by adding the SSB as a custom service to the cdp-proxy configuration, and then creating the SSB service definitions in Knox.

After creating the service definitions, you must add the SSB services to the Knox default topologies in Cloudera Manager.

  1. Go to your cluster in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Click on Knox from the list of Services.
  3. Select Configuration.
  4. Search for Knox Simplified Topology Management.
  5. Add the following entries to the Knox Simplified Topology Management - cdp-proxy:
    You need to add the hostname to the entries as shown in the following example:
    You only need to add Materalized View API to the Knox Gateway group if the configuration is different from the default. This means if you are using a Load Balanced SSB, you need to add the API URL to the Knox Simplified Topology Management - cdp-proxy-api field:
    • Unsecured port:
    • Secured port:
  6. Click Save changes.
    The Refresh needed indicator appears beside the Knox service name.
  7. Refresh Knox.

You must create service definitions for the SSB Console and Materialized Views in the Knox Admin UI.

  1. Go to your cluster in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Select Knox from the list of services.
  3. Select Knox Gateway Home.
  4. Open the General Proxy Information.
  5. Click Admin UI URL.
    You are redirected to the Knox Manager page.
  6. Click Service Definitions under Resource Types.
  7. Click on the plus icon to add the SSB service definitions.
    The Create a New Service Definition window appears.
  8. Delete the default text from the window.
  9. Create the service definitions for SSB.
    1. Copy the following XML entry for the SSB-SSE-UI service definition:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <service name="ssb-sse-ui" role="SSB-SSE-UI" version="1.7.0">
            <dispatch classname="org.apache.knox.gateway.dispatch.ConfigurableDispatch" use-two-way-ssl="false">
              <route path="/ssb-sse-ui/"/>
              <route path="/ssb-sse-ui/**"/>
              <route path="/ssb-sse-ui/**?**"/>
              <route path="/ssb-sse-ui/swagger/**">
                <rewrite apply="SSB-SSE-UI/filter/outbound/swagger/body" to="response.body"/>
            <rule name="SSB-SSE-UI/ssb-sse-ui/inbound/root" pattern="*://*:*/**/ssb-sse-ui/">
              <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[SSB-SSE-UI]}/"/>
            <rule name="SSB-SSE-UI/ssb-sse-ui/inbound/path" pattern="*://*:*/**/ssb-sse-ui/{**}">
              <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[SSB-SSE-UI]}/{**}"/>
            <rule name="SSB-SSE-UI/ssb-sse-ui/inbound/query" pattern="*://*:*/**/ssb-sse-ui/{**}?{**}">
              <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[SSB-SSE-UI]}/{**}?{**}"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/api" pattern="/api/{**}/">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/api/{**}/"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/ui" pattern="*://*:*/ui/{**}">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/ui/{**}"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/frontend-ui" pattern="/ui/">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/ui/"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/internal" pattern="/internal/">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/internal/"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/swagger-url" pattern="/swagger/{**}">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[path]}/ssb-sse-ui/swagger/{**}"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/swagger-config-url" pattern="/swagger-ui/{**}">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/swagger-ui/{**}"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/html/websocket" pattern="/websocket/">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ws/websocket/"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/json/root">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/"/>
            <rule dir="OUT" name="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/json/path">
              <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/ssb-sse-ui/{**}"/>
            <filter name="SSB-SSE-UI/filter/outbound/swagger/body">
              <content type="*/json">
                <apply path="$.servers[0].url" rule="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/json/root"/>
                <apply path="$.oauth2RedirectUrl" rule="SSB-SSE-UI/rule/outbound/json/path"/>
    2. Paste it to the New Service Definition window.
    3. Click Ok.
    4. Click on the plus icon to create a new service definition.
    5. Copy the following XML entry for the SSB-SSE-WS service definition:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <service name="ssb-sse-ws" role="SSB-SSE-WS" version="1.7.0">
            <dispatch classname="org.apache.knox.gateway.dispatch.ConfigurableDispatch" use-two-way-ssl="false">
              <route path="/ssb-sse-ws/**">
                <rewrite apply="SSB-SSE-WS/rule/inbound1" to="request.url"/>
            <rule dir="IN" name="SSB-SSE-WS/rule/inbound1" pattern="*://*:*/**/ssb-sse-ws/{path=**}">
              <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[SSB-SSE-WS]}/{path=**}/"/>
    6. Paste it to the New Service Definition window.
    7. Click Ok.
  10. In the list of Service definitions, you should be able to see the SSB entries.

You must provide the Knox proxy paths for YARN and the Materialized View API in Cloudera Manager to authenticate the user when accessing the Materialized Views and the Resource Manager through the Streaming SQL Console.

  1. Go to your cluster in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Click on SQL Stream Builder from the list of Services.
  3. Select Configuration.
  4. Search for Knox proxy path for YARN.
  5. Add the following URL path:
  6. Search for Knox proxy path for Materialized View Engine.
  7. Add the following URL path:
  8. Restart the SQL Stream Builder service.
After manually configuring the Knox serivce for SQL Stream Builder, you can reach the Streaming SQL Console by completing the steps in Accessing the Streaming SQL Builder through Knox section.