Installation & UpgradePDF version

Stopping Flink applications

You must stop your Flink applications before updating the artifacts. You can use the stop command to create a savepoint of your application. You can also use the cancel command to stop your Flink application without creating a savepoint.

You can use savepoints to resume the application state after the upgrade.

  1. Determine the related Flink job IDs.
    flink list
  2. Stop your Flink applications.
    You have two choices:
    • Stop your applications with a savepoint to store the application state.
      flink stop <Flink job ID>

      The command returns an HDFS path, which is the automatically created savepoint that stores the application state.

    • Cancel your applications without creating a savepoint.
      flink cancel <Flink job ID>

      Use this method if you do not need to restore the application state after the upgrade.