Using Custom Spark Runtime Docker Images Via API/CLI
This is a detailed usage guide to demonstrate how to run jobs using custom spark runtime with examples.
- Create a custom docker imageBuild
images based on thedex-spark-runtime
image of the Cloudera Data Engineering version.The relevant dex-spark-runtime image is<registry-host>/cloudera/dex/dex-spark-runtime-<spark version>-<cdh version>:<dex version>
Example: DockerFile for DEX 1.18.2-b70, Spark 2.4.7 version, and CDH version.DockerFile for DEX 1.18.2-b70, spark 2.4.7 version, and CDH version. FROM USER root RUN yum install -y git && yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum RUN pip2 install virtualenv-api RUN pip3 install virtualenv-api USER ${DEX_UID}
- Build the docker image tagging it with the custom registry to be used and push it to the
custom registry.
mac@local:$ docker build --network=host -t . -f Dockerfile mac@local:$ docker push
Here, the custom registry is and the registry namespace is custom-dex.
- Create the credentials for the custom image registry.
Register docker registry image pull credentials using the CDE CLI or REST API. These credentials are stored as a secret.
mac@local:$ ./cde credential create --name docker-creds --type docker-basic --docker-server --docker-username my-username
curl -X POST -k 'https://<dex-vc-host>/dex/api/v1/credentials' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CDE_TOKEN}" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data ‘{ "dockerBasic": { "password": "password123", "server": "", "username": "my-username" }, "name": "docker-creds", "type": "docker-basic" }’
- Create
resource referring to the credential created previously.Register
docker image as a resource of typecustom-runtime-image
specifying the name of the credential created in the previous step.mac@local:$ ./cde resource create --name custom-image-resource --image --image-engine spark2 --type custom-runtime-image --image-credential docker-creds
curl -X POST -k 'https://<dex-vc-host>/dex/api/v1/resources \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CDE_TOKEN}" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data ‘{ "customRuntimeImage": { "credential": "docker-creds", "engine": "spark2", "image": "" }, "name": "custom-image-resource", "type": "custom-runtime-image" }'
Submit a job by setting the
image as a resource using the CLImac@local:$ ./cde --user cdpuser1 spark submit /Users/my-username/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.4.jar --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi 1000 --runtime-image-resource-name=custom-image-resource
mac@local:$ ./cde --user cdpuser1 resource create --name spark-jar mac@local:$ ./cde --user cdpuser1 resource upload --name spark-jar --local-path spark-examples_2.11-2.4.4.jar mac@local:$ ./cde --user cdpuser1 job create --name spark-pi-job-cli --type spark --mount-1-resource spark-jar --application-file spark-examples_2.11-2.4.4.jar --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --user cdpuser1 --arg 22 --runtime-image-resource-name custom-image-resource
- The spark driver/executor pods should use this specific image and you can confirm it by opening a shell into those pods and verifying if the external installed libraries or files exist.
Public docker registries
Create the resource for the registries which do not require any auth. You do not need to specify the credentials.
mac@local:$ cde resource create --name custom-image-resource --image --image-engine spark2 --type custom-runtime-image
ccurl -X POST -k 'https://<dex-vc-host>/dex/api/v1/resources \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${CDE_TOKEN}" \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ‘{
"customRuntimeImage": {
"engine": "spark2",
"image": ""
"name": "custom-image-resource",
"type": "custom-runtime-image"
Once done, skip to #step 5 to submit the job.
Error: Custom image resource with missing or wrong credentials
Creating a custom image resource with missing or wrong credentials should result in the below error which can be seen in the logs or in kubernetes pod events.
Failed to pull image "":
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error reading manifest 1.18.2-b70-custom in
errors: denied: requested access to the resource is denied unauthorized: authentication required