CDE CLI command reference
The Cloudera Data Engineering command line syntax is shown
below. You can view additional syntax help by adding --help
after any command.
cde [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
job Manage CDE jobs
resource Manage CDE resources
run Manage CDE runs
spark Spark commands
--auth-cache-file string token file cache location (default "$USERCACHE/token-cache")
--auth-no-cache do not cache authentication tokens
--auth-pass-file string authentication password file location
-h, --help help for cde
--hide-progress-bars hide progress bars for file uploads
--insecure API does not require authentication
--tls-ca-certs string additional PEM-encoded CA certificates
--tls-insecure skip verification of API server TLS certificate
--user string CDP user to authenticate as
--vcluster-endpoint string CDE virtual cluster endpoint
-v, --verbose verbose logging
--version version for cde
Use "cde [command] --help" for more information about a command.
cde job
cde job [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a job
delete Delete a job
describe Describe a job
import Import a job
list List jobs
run Run a job
schedule Operate CDE job schedules
update Update a job
cde resource
cde resource [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a resource
delete Delete a resource
delete-file Delete a file from a resource
describe Describe resource
download Download a file from a resource
list List resources
upload Upload a file to resource
cde run
cde run [command]
Available Commands:
describe Describe a run
kill Kill a run
list List runs
logs Retrieve logs for a run
ui Open a run in the default browser
cde spark
cde spark [command]
Available Commands:
submit Run a jar/py file on CDE Spark