Configuring Oracle for Oozie
You must install Oracle 12.2, create the Oozie Oracle user and grant privileges, and add the Oracle JDBC driver jar file to Oozie.
- Install and Start Oracle 12.2
Create the Oozie Oracle User and Grant Privileges.
The following example uses the Oracle
command-line tool, and shows the privileges Cloudera recommends. Oozie needs CREATE SESSION to start and manage workflows. The additional roles are needed for creating and upgrading the Oozie database.sqlplus system@localhost/<SERVICE_NAME> SQL> create user oozie identified by oozie default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; User created. SQL> grant alter any index to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant alter any table to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create any index to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create sequence to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create session to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create table to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant drop any sequence to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant select any dictionary to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant drop any table to oozie; Grant succeeded. SQL> alter user oozie quota unlimited on users; User altered. SQL> alter user oozie quota unlimited on system; User altered. SQL> exit
Add the Oracle JDBC Driver JAR to Oozie.
Copy or symbolically link the Oracle JDBC driver JAR into the