Fixed Issues in Kudu

This section lists the issues that have been fixed since the previous version.

  • KUDU-2929: Kudu does not schedule compactions if a server is under memory pressure.
  • KUDU-3036: DDL operations like ALTER TABLE on tables with huge number of partitions no longer result in a DoS situation for Kudu masters.
  • KUDU-3061: Fixed a bug where Kudu Java client cannot negotiate a secure connection with Kudu masters and tablet servers if using BouncyCastle JCE provider.
  • KUDU-2904: Kudu masters will now crash immediately upon hitting a disk failure.
  • KUDU-2992: Delays in receiving tablet server heartbeats no longer result in an excess amount of RPC traffic between the masters and the tablet servers.
  • KUDU-3008: Kudu's location placement policy no longer stores all the replicas in a single location when more than one locations are available.
  • KUDU-3035: The Java client correctly propagates timestamps when sending write batches.
  • KUDU-3099: The Kudu backup Spark jobs contain a fix so that Kudu no longer returns with a non-zero exit if the job succeeded but backed up no rows.
  • KUDU-3106: The Kudu Java client can now negotiate a secure connection with Kudu masters and tablet servers when using BouncyCastle.