Configuring Apache KafkaPDF version

JBOD Disk migration

Learn how to migrate existing Kafka partitions to JBOD configured disks.

Migrating data from one disk to another is achieved with the kafka-reassign-partitions tool. The following instructions focus on migrating existing Kafka partitions to JBOD configured disks.
  • Set up JBOD in your Kafka environment. For more information, see JBOD Setup.
  • Collect the log directory paths on the JBOD disks where you want to migrate existing data.
  • Collect the broker IDs of the brokers you want to migrate data to.
  • Collect the name of the topics you want to migrate partitions from.
  1. Create a topics-to-move JSON file that specifies the topics you want to reassign. Use the following format:
    Use the following format:
    {"topics":  [{"topic": "mytopic1"},
                 {"topic": "mytopic2"}],
  2. Generate the content for the reassignment configuration JSON with the following command:
    kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper hostname:port --topics-to-move-json-file topics to move.json --broker-list broker 1, broker 2 --generate

    Running the command lists the distribution of partition replicas on your current brokers followed by a proposed partition reassignment configuration.

    Example output:

    Current partition replica assignment
    Proposed partition reassignment configuration

    In this example, the tool proposed a configuration which reassigns existing partitions on broker 1, 2, and 3 to brokers 4 and 5.

  3. Copy and paste the proposed partition reassignment configuration into an empty JSON file.
  4. Modify the suggested reassignment configuration.

    When migrating data you have two choices. You can move partitions to a different log directory on the same broker, or move it to a different log directory on another broker.

      1. To reassign partitions between log directories on the same broker, change the appropriate any entry to an absolute path. For example:
      2. To reassign partitions between log directories across different brokers, change the broker ID specified in replicas and the appropriate any entry to an absolute path. For example:
  5. Save the file.
  6. Start the redistribution process with the following command:
    kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper hostname:port  --reassignment-json-file reassignment configuration.json --bootstrap-server hostname:port --execute
    The tool prints a list containing the original replica assignment and a message that reassignment has started. Example output:
    Current partition replica assignment
    Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback
    Successfully started reassignment of partitions.
  7. Verify the status of the reassignment with the following command:
    kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper hostname:port --reassignment-json-file reassignment configuration.json  --bootstrap-server hostname:port --verify
    The tool prints the reassignment status of all partitions. Example output:
    Status of partition reassignment: 
    Reassignment of partition mytopic2-1 completed successfully
    Reassignment of partition mytopic1-0 completed successfully
    Reassignment of partition mytopic2-0 completed successfully
    Reassignment of partition mytopic1-2 completed successfully
    Reassignment of partition mytopic1-1 completed successfully
Existing Kafka partitions are migrated to JBOD configured disks.