Managing Apache KafkaPDF version


Learn how to use the kafka-configs tool to set check or uncheck topic properties.

The kafka-configs tool allows you to set and unset properties to topics. Cloudera recommends that you use Cloudera Manager instead of this tool to change properties on brokers, because this tool bypasses any Cloudera Manager safety checks.

Setting a topic property:

kafka-configs --zookeeper [ZKHOST] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --alter --add-config [PROPERTY_NAME]=[VALUE]

Checking a topic property:

kafka-configs --zookeeper [ZKHOST] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --describe

Unsetting a topic property:

kafka-configs --zookeeper [ZKHOST] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --alter --delete-config [PROPERTY_NAME]

See the upstream Apache Kafka documentation for a complete list of available topic configuration properties.