Known issues in Cruise Control

This topic describes known issues for using Cruise Control in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

Cruise Control might fail at first run

When you install Cruise Control either individually or using the Compute Cluster - StreamingMessaging(Full) deployment, Cruise Control might fail at the first run. This is caused by the difference between the Security Protocol in Kafka and in Cruise Control.

To avoid and solve this issue, see the Add Cruise Control documentation.

Cruise Control cannot collect metrics when topics are not used

Cruise Control will not collect metrics if the topics are not used by any consumer or producer, or if SRM is not active. In this case, the following error message is displayed:
10:02:53.046 AMWARN BrokerLoad 
Broker 335 is missing 3/59 topics metrics and 14/133 leader partition metrics. Missing leader topics: 
[mm2-offsets_CDFClusterPhoenix_internal, mm2-status_CDFClusterPhoenix_internal, srm-metrics_CDFClusterPhoenix_internal].
10:02:53.050 AMWARN SamplingUtils 
Skip generating metric sample for broker 335 because there are not enough topic metrics to generate broker metrics.


Cruise Control will generate proposals automatically as soon as topics are used or SRM becomes active.

OPSAPS-58700: Cruise Control capacity bootstrapping ignores deleted log directories

Log directories remain in the metrics database after a log directory is removed from Kafka. This causes Cruise Control unable to start up as it tries to query the metrics in Cloudera Manager without any data in them.

Workaround: You need to stop the service monitor and delete the database (by default it can be found at: /var/lib/cloudera-service-monitor). Restart the service monitor and also Cruise Control.

CDPD-10505: Cruise Control does not package

The python client cannot be used as Cruise Control does not give any version information in HTTP response headers. In this version, Cruise Control does not support generating the file that is required by the python client for compatibility checks.