Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Impala DDL for Kudu

You can use the Impala CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements to create and fine-tune the characteristics of Kudu tables. Impala supports specific features and properties that only apply to Kudu tables.

To create a Kudu table, use the STORED AS KUDU clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.

The column list in a CREATE TABLE statement can include the following attributes, which only apply to Kudu tables:

| ENCODING codec
| COMPRESSION algorithm
| DEFAULT constant_expression
| BLOCK_SIZE number

The primary key for a Kudu table is a column, or set of columns, that uniquely identifies every row. The primary key value also is used as the natural sort order for the values from the table.

The notion of primary key only applies to Kudu tables. Every Kudu table requires a primary key.

Because all of the primary key columns must have non-null values, specifying a column in the PRIMARY KEY clause implicitly adds the NOT NULL attribute to that column.

The primary key columns must be the first ones specified in the CREATE TABLE statement.

When the primary key is a single column, you can specify the PRIMARY KEY attribute either inline in a single column definition, or as a separate clause at the end of the column list.

For example:

CREATE TABLE pk_inline
  col2 STRING,
  col3 BOOLEAN

CREATE TABLE pk_at_end
  col1 BIGINT,
  col2 STRING,
  col3 BOOLEAN,
  PRIMARY KEY (col1)

If the primary key consists of more than one column, you must specify the primary key using a separate entry in the column list.

CREATE TABLE pk_multiple_columns
  col1 BIGINT,
  col2 STRING,
  col3 BOOLEAN,
  PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)

The contents of the primary key columns cannot be changed by an UPDATE or UPSERT statement.

Including too many columns in the primary key (more than 5 or 6) can reduce the performance of write operations. Therefore, pick the most selective and most frequently tested non-null columns for the primary key specification. If a column must always have a value, but that value might change later, leave it out of the primary key and use a NOT NULL clause for that column instead.

For Kudu tables, you can specify which columns can contain nulls or not. This constraint offers an extra level of consistency enforcement for Kudu tables. If an application requires a field to always be specified, include a NOT NULL clause in the corresponding column definition, and Kudu prevents rows from being inserted with a NULL in that column.

For example, a table containing geographic information might require the latitude and longitude coordinates to always be specified. Other attributes might be allowed to be NULL. For example, a location might not have a designated place name, its altitude might be unimportant, and its population might be initially unknown, to be filled in later.

For non-Kudu tables, Impala allows any column to contain NULL values, because it is not practical to enforce a not null constraint on HDFS data files that could be prepared using external tools and ETL processes.

CREATE TABLE required_columns
  latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL,
  longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL,
  place_name STRING,
  altitude DOUBLE,
  population BIGINT

During performance optimization, Kudu can use the knowledge that nulls are not allowed to skip certain checks on each input row, speeding up queries and join operations. Therefore, specify NOT NULL constraints when appropriate.

The NULL clause is the default condition for all columns that are not part of the primary key. You can omit it, or specify it to clarify that you have made a conscious design decision to allow nulls in a column.

Because primary key columns cannot contain any NULL values, the NOT NULL clause is not required for the primary key columns, but you might still specify it to make your code self-describing.

You can specify a default value for columns in Kudu tables. The default value can be any constant expression, for example, a combination of literal values, arithmetic and string operations. It cannot contain references to columns or non-deterministic function calls.

The following example shows different kinds of expressions for the DEFAULT clause. The requirement to use a constant value means that you can fill in a placeholder value such as NULL, empty string, 0, -1, 'N/A' and so on, but you cannot reference functions or column names. Therefore, you cannot use DEFAULT to do things such as automatically making an uppercase copy of a string value, storing Boolean values based on tests of other columns, or add or subtract one from another column representing a sequence number.

CREATE TABLE default_vals
  name STRING NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown',
  address STRING DEFAULT upper('no fixed address'),
  age INT DEFAULT -1,
  planet_of_origin STRING DEFAULT 'Earth',
  optional_col STRING DEFAULT NULL

Each column in a Kudu table can optionally use an encoding, a low-overhead form of compression that reduces the size on disk, then requires additional CPU cycles to reconstruct the original values during queries. Typically, highly compressible data benefits from the reduced I/O to read the data back from disk.

The encoding keywords that Impala recognizes are:
  • AUTO_ENCODING: Use the default encoding based on the column type, which are bitshuffle for the numeric type columns and dictionary for the string type columns.

  • PLAIN_ENCODING: Leave the value in its original binary format.

  • RLE: Compress repeated values (when sorted in primary key order) by including a count.

  • DICT_ENCODING: When the number of different string values is low, replace the original string with a numeric ID.

  • BIT_SHUFFLE: Rearrange the bits of the values to efficiently compress sequences of values that are identical or vary only slightly based on primary key order. The resulting encoded data is also compressed with LZ4.

  • PREFIX_ENCODING: Compress common prefixes in string values; mainly for use internally within Kudu.

You can specify a compression algorithm to use for each column in a Kudu table. This attribute imposes more CPU overhead when retrieving the values than the ENCODING attribute does. Therefore, use it primarily for columns with long strings that do not benefit much from the less-expensive ENCODING attribute.

The choices for COMPRESSION are LZ4, SNAPPY, and ZLIB.

Although Kudu does not use HDFS files internally, and thus is not affected by the HDFS block size, it does have an underlying unit of I/O called the block size. The BLOCK_SIZE attribute lets you set the block size for any column.

The block size attribute is a relatively advanced feature. This is an unsupported feature and is considered experimental.

By default, Kudu tables created through Impala use a tablet replication factor of 3. To change the replication factor for a Kudu table, specify the replication factor using the TBLPROPERTIES in the CREATE TABLE statement as below where n is the replication factor you want to use:
TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.num_tablet_replicas' = 'n')

The number of replicas for a Kudu table must be odd.

Altering the kudu.num_tablet_replicas property after table creation currently has no effect.

Much of the metadata for Kudu tables is handled by the underlying storage layer. Kudu tables have less reliance on the Metastore database, and require less metadata caching on the Impala side. For example, information about partitions in Kudu tables is managed by Kudu, and Impala does not cache any block locality metadata for Kudu tables.

The REFRESH and INVALIDATE METADATA statements are needed less frequently for Kudu tables than for HDFS-backed tables. Neither statement is needed when data is added to, removed, or updated in a Kudu table, even if the changes are made directly to Kudu through a client program using the Kudu API.

Run REFRESH table_name or INVALIDATE METADATA table_name for a Kudu table only after making a change to the Kudu table schema, such as adding or dropping a column.

Because Kudu manages the metadata for its own tables separately from the Metastore database, there is a table name stored in the Metastore database for Impala to use, and a table name on the Kudu side, and these names can be modified independently through ALTER TABLE statements.

To avoid potential name conflicts, the prefix impala:: and the Impala database name are encoded into the underlying Kudu table name.