Finding issues
The HBCK2 tool enables you to use interactive commands to fix one issue at a time. If you have multiple issues, you may have to run the tool iteratively to find and resolve all the issues. Use the following utilities and commands to find the issues.
Find issues using diagnostic tools
Master logs
The Apache HBase Master runs all the cluster start and stop operations, RegionServer assignment, and server crash handling. Everything that the Master does is a procedure on a state machine engine and each procedure has an unique procedure ID (PID). You can trace the lifecycle of a procedure by tracking its PID through the entries in the Master log. Some procedures may spawn sub-procedures and wait for the sub-procedure to complete.
You can trace the sub-procedure by tracking its PID and the parent PID (PPID).
2018-09-12 15:29:06,558 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignment.AssignmentManager: STUCK Region-In-Transition rit=OPENING,,00001,1000173230599, table=IntegrationTestBigLinkedList_20180626110336, region=dbdb56242f17610c46ea044f7a42895b
Master user interface
Status tables
You can find issues in your HBase tables by looking at the status tables section in the Master user interface home page. Look through the list of tables to identify if a table is ENABLED, ENABLING, DISABLED, or DISABLING. You can also take a look at the regions in transition states: OPEN, CLOSED. For example, there may be an issue if a table is ENABLED, some regions are not in the OPEN state, and the Master log entries do not have any ongoing assignments.
Procedures and locks
When an Apache HBase cluster is started, the Procedures & Locks page in the Master user interface is populated with information about the procedures, locks, and the count of WAL files. After the cluster settles, if the WAL file count does not reduce, it leads to procedure blocks. You can identify those procedures and locks on this page.
$ echo "list_locks"| hbase shell &> /tmp/locks.txt $ echo "list_procedures"| hbase shell &> /tmp/procedures.txt
Apache HBase canary tool
$ hbase canary -f false -t 6000000 &>/tmp/canary.log
Use the -f parameter to look for failed region fetches, and set the -t parameter to run for a specified time.