Streams Messaging
Cloudera Data Platform Runtime streaming components provide a high performance, highly available, and redundant streams messaging platform. Streaming components include Apache Kafka, Schema Registry, Streams Messaging Manager, and Streams Replication Manager.
Apache Kafka
Configuring Apache Kafka
Provides information about configuring and setting up Kafka.
Securing Apache Kafka
Provides information on how to set up encryption and authentication for Kafka.
Tuning Apache Kafka Performance
Describes how to tune the performance of Kafka for different use cases and scenarios.
Managing Apache Kafka
Describes how to manage and administer Kafka clusters.
Developing Apache Kafka Applications
Provides information on how to develop Kafka clients.
Schema Registry
Integrating with Schema Registry
Describes how to integrate Cloudera components with Schema Registry.
Using Schema Registry
Describes how to use Schema Registry.
Securing Schema Registry
Describes how authorization works in Schema Registry.
Streams Messaging Manager
Securing Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how to secure Streams Messaging Manager.
Monitoring Kafka Clusters using Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how to use Streams Messaging Manager to monitor Kafka clusters, producers, topics, brokers, and consumers.
Managing Alert Policies using Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how to use Streams Messaging Manager to create, modify, and monitor alert policies and alerts.
Managing Kafka Topics using Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how to create, modify, and delete Kafka topics.
Monitoring End-to-End Latency using Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how you can use Streams Messaging Manager to monitor end-to-end latency in topics.
Monitoring Kafka Cluster Replications using Streams Messaging Manager
Describes how you can use Streams Replication Manager to implement cross-cluster Kafka topic replication.
Streams Replication Manager
Configuring Streams Replication Manager
Describes how to set up and configure Streams Replication Manager.
Using Streams Replication Manager
Describes how to use Streams Replication Manager.
Securing Streams Replication Manager
Describes how to secure Streams Replication Manager.
Use cases for Streams Replication Manager in CDP Public Cloud
Describes the Cloudera recommended CDP Public Cloud use cases for replicating Kafka data.