What's New in Apache Kudu

Learn about the new features of Kudu in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.6.

Unique cluster ID

This feature adds a unique cluster ID to the cluster. The ID is a UUID that is automatically generated and stored in the sys_catalog if missing (on fresh startup or upgrade). This cluster ID is exposed through the master web-ui and the kudu master list tool.

Optimizations and improvements

  • Stop blocking op registration on MM mutex. This optimization buffers calls to RegisterOp() into a separate op map protected by a separate spinlock, and periodically merging the separate map into ‘opt_’.
  • Add table owner to web UI and CLI outputs.
  • Parallelize download blocks in tablet-copy-client.
  • Add LogThrottler that implements a simple log throttler by logging at most one message per a time period that can be set at the call-site.
  • Enhance the HMS plugin to check if synchronization is enabled.
  • Add support for HMS notification messages encoded by the GzipJSONMessageEncoder that was added in HIVE-20679