Accessing ClustersPDF version

Using SSH to access gateway nodes

You can use SSH to connect to CDP One gateway nodes. This enables you to access the command line utilities of the analytic components in your CDP cluster and perform client tasks, such as querying Hive or Impala remotely from the command line. You use the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol to connect to a node from a terminal utility. Using SSH, you log into the node using a key pair for authentication instead of a user name and password.

  1. Log into CDP One.
  2. In the Environment drop-down list, accept the default environment or select another environment.
  3. Click All Services.
  4. Under Command Line in the UI, click SSH for Gateway.
  5. Copy the SSH command.
  6. Open a terminal, and paste the command.
    $ ssh
  7. At the password prompt, enter your workload password.
    The connection to the gateway succeeds. The output looks something like this:
    Last login: Mon Jun 27 21:12:10 2022 from
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