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Viewing Queries

You can view queries, filter queries, and more from the Impala service Queries tab.

Do one of the following:

  • Select Clusters > Cluster name > Impala service name Queries.
  • On the Home > Status tab, select Impala service name and click the Queries tab.

The Impala queries run during the selected time range display in the Results tab.

You can also perform the following actions on this page:
Table 1. Viewing Queries Actions
Action Description
Filter the displayed queries Create filter expressions manually, select preconfigured filters, or use the Workload Summary section to build a query interactively.
Select additional attributes for display. Click Select Attributes. Selected attributes also display as available filters in the Workload Summary section. To display information about attributes, hover over a field label. .

Only attributes that support filtering appear in the Workload Summary section.

View a histogram of the attribute values. Click the icon to the right of each attribute displayed in the Workload Summary section.
Display charts based on the filter expression and selected attributes. Cick the Charts tab.
View charts that help identify whether Impala best practices are being followed. Click the Best Practices link.
Export a JSON file with the query results that you can use for further analysis. Click Export.