Migrating Data to CDP OnePDF version

HMS Mirror generated files

You use generated scripts, reports, and other files as you migrate the table metadata and data. Reports generated by HMS Mirror include information about HMS Mirror configurations. A list of tables on left HDP and translated tables on right CDP cluster are also generated.

The following files are generated by a dry run of HMS Mirror:

  • <dbname>_1_distcp_source.txt

    A list of source cluster table file locations.

  • <dbname>_LEFT_execute.sql

    A list of commands for creation of databases and tables under the database for the HDP cluster.

  • <dbname>_LEFT_action.sql

    Actions that may be required on the HDP cluster to achieve the optimum state for migration.

  • <dbname>_RIGHT_execute.sql

    A list of commands for creation of databases and tables under the database for the CDP SaaS cluster.

  • <dbname>_RIGHT_action.sql

    Actions that may be required on the CDP SaaS cluster to achieve the optimum state for migration.

  • <dbname>_hms-mirror.md Options you use for the hms-mirror command, config yaml, database and tables present on left cluster, translated tables on right cluster in an md file. You can use any markdown file viewer to view this file.
  • <dbname>_hms-mirror.html — This is the html version of the above md file.
  • distcp_script.sh

    The distcp commands needed to migrate actual table data from HDP to S3 location. Moving HDFS data from the HDP to the S3 object store for the CDP cluster is fully documented in Migrating data from HDP to CDP One.

  • distcp_workbook.md

    Shows the HDP source and CDP One destination locations that we need to migrate to.

    This information can help you build a transfer job to specify multiple sources using distcp -f.