Monitor & Operate

CDP One includes services that enable you to create ML web applications, monitor workloads, and view job history data. You can use YARN queues to allocate cluster resources.

ML Projects
This feature gives data scientists a way to create ML web applications/dashboards and easily share them with other business stakeholders. Applications can range from single visualizations embedded in reports, to rich dashboard solutions such as Tableau. They can be interactive or non-interactive.
Monitoring workloads
You can use Cloudera Manager to monitor YARN and Impala workloads on CDP One.
Analyzing YARN jobs
You can use the YARN Web User Interface to monitor clusters, queues, applications, services, and flow activities on CDP One.
Analyzing Spark jobs
You can use the Spark History Server web UI to analyze Spark jobs on CDP One. You can view application data for both completed and running Spark jobs.
Viewing YARN queues
You can use the YARN Queue Manager UI to manage your cluster capacity using queues to balance resource requirements of multiple applications from various users.
Viewing the YARN job history
You can use the YARN Job History Server UI to view information about YARN jobs on CDP One, such as start and end time, job ID, name, user, queue, and whether or not the job succeeded.