Using SQLPDF version

Creating a Hive external partitioned table

You can configure Hive to create partitions dynamically and then run a query that creates the related directories on the object store. Hive also separates the data into the directories.

This example assumes you have the following CSV file named employees.csv to use as the data source:
1,jane doe,engineer,service
2,john smith,sales rep,sales
3,naoko murai,service rep,service
4,somporn thong,ceo,sales
5,xi singh,cfo,finance            
  1. Create an andrena directory on S3.
  2. Upload the CSV file to the andrena directory..
  3. In the Hive shell, create an unpartitioned table that holds all the data, substituting the S3 path displayed in the Hue Web Browser.
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE employees (eid int, name string, position string, dept string)
      LOCATION 's3a://cdpsaasdemo-cdp-private-default-1ogvplm/user/andrena';
    For example, specify location s3a://cdpsaasdemo-cdp-private-default-1ogvplm/user/andrena.
  4. Check that the data loaded into the employees table.
    SELECT * FROM employees;
    The output, formatted to fit this publication, appears:
    | eid  |    name       | position    | dept  |         |
    | 1    | jane doe      | engineer    | service         |
    | 2    | john smith    | sales rep   | sales           |
    | 3    | naoko murai   | service rep | service         |
    | 4    | somporn thong | ceo         | sales           |
    | 5    | xi singh      | cfo         | finance         |
  5. Create a partitioned table.
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE EMP_PART (eid int, name string, position string) 
      PARTITIONED BY (dept string);
  6. Set dynamic partition mode (nonstrict) to create partitioned directories of data dynamically when data is inserted:
    SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
  7. Insert data from the unpartitioned table (all the data) into the partitioned table , dynamically creating the partitions.
      SELECT eid,name,position,dept FROM employees;
    Partitions are created dynamically.
  8. Check that the partitions were created.
    SHOW PARTITIONS emp_part;
    |   partition    |
    | dept=finance   |
    | dept=sales     |
    | dept=service   |
  9. Select the data in the emp_part table;
    SELECT * from emp_part;
    Output looks something like this:
    | emp_part.eid  |  | emp_part.position  | emp_part.dept  |
    | 5             | xi singh       | cfo                | finance        |
    | 2             | john smith     | sales rep          | sales          |
    | 4             | somporn thong  | ceo                | sales          |
    | 1             | jane doe       | engineer           | service        |
    | 3             | naoko murai    | service rep        | service        |
  10. Query the data to return only rows in the sales department partition.
    SELECT * FROM emp_part WHERE emp_part.dept="sales";
    | emp_part.eid  |  | emp_part.position  | emp_part.dept  |
    | 2             | john smith     | sales rep          | sales          |
    | 4             | somporn thong  | ceo                | sales          |