Mar 07, 2023

This release of the Replication Manager service introduces the following new features.

HBase replication policy enhancements

The following enhancements are available for HBase replication policies:

  • During HBase replication policy creation, you can choose one of the following cloud credential options:
    • Credentials are available in source cluster HDFS service configuration setting- You can choose this option when you want to use a Google Cloud account. You can use this option for S3 and ADLS accounts as well.
      To add the advanced configuration settings for Google Cloud, Amazon S3, and ADLS accounts, perform the following steps:
      1. Go to the source Cloudera Manager > Clusters > HDFS service > Configuration tab.

      2. Locate the HDFS Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml property.

      3. Add the following key-value pairs to register a Google account to use in Replication Manager:

        •[***enter the project ID***]
        •[***enter the bucket name***]
        •[***enter the service principal email ID***]
        •[***Enter the local path of the p12 file***]
        You can add these key-value pairs to register a Google account to use in Replication Manager from CDP Public Cloud and higher versions.
      4. Add the following key-value pairs to register an S3 account to use in Replication Manager:
        • fs.s3a.access.key=[***enter the session access key***]
        • fs.s3a.secret.key=[***enter the session secret key***]
      5. Add the following key-value pairs to register an ADLS account to use in Replication Manager:
        •[***enter the ABFS storage client ID***]
        •[***enter the ABFS storage client secret key***]
      6. Save and restart the HDFS service for the changes to take effect.

    • Credentials from External Account - You can choose this option for S3 and ADLS storage options.

    For more information, see Creating an HBase replication policy.

  • You can Force Delete an HBase replication policy after Replication Manager fails to delete the replication policy (using the Actions > Delete option on the Replication Policies page for the replication policy). For more information, see Managing HBase replication policy.