Cloud credentials to use in CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager

The Cloud Credentials page shows the registered cloud credentials for Replication Manager. To replicate data to a storage cloud account, you must register the cloud credentials, so that the Replication Manager can access your cloud account. The supported cloud storage accounts are Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Filesystem (ABFS). On the Cloud Credentials page, you can add, update, or delete cloud credentials. Before you register an Amazon S3 cloud account, ensure the cloud bucket requirements are met. Before you add Azure Cloud Credentials in Cloudera Manager, ensure the Blob container requirements are met.

You can perform the following tasks on the Cloud Credentials page to manage cloud credentials:

Add cloud credentials

You can add cloud credentials for your S3 or ABFS account. For information about adding cloud credentials, see Working with Cloud Credentials.

Update cloud credentials

You can update the cloud credentials based on various factors. When the bucket configuration such as secret or access keys, bucket name or endpoint, and encryption type is changed, it can affect the Replication Manager replication policy run and might require an update to the Replication Manager cloud credentials.

Credential changes are picked up by the next run of the policy. When you change the credentials, the in-progress policy runs might fail but the succeeding runs pick up the changes.

To update a cloud credential, click Actions > Update option.

Delete cloud credentials

You can delete unwanted credentials from the Replication Manager. When you delete cloud credentials, the replication policies that use the deleted cloud credentials might fail. To avoid failures, delete the Replication Manager cloud policies associated with the deleted credentials and recreate the policies with the new credentials. You can view a list of policies associated with specific credentials on the Cloud Credentials page.

To delete a cloud credential, click Actions > Delete option.