Target HBase folder is deleted when HBase replication policy fails

When the snapshot export fails during the HBase replication policy job run, the target HBase folder in the destination Data Hub or COD gets deleted.

You can either revoke the delete permission for the user, or ensure that you use an access key/role that does not have delete permissions to the required storage component.

The following steps show how to create an access key in AWS and an Azure service principal, which do not have delete permission for the storage component.

Solution in AWS

If the Data Hub or COD is on Amazon S3, you can perform the following steps to create an access key that does not have delete permission for the storage component:
  1. Login to AWS.
  2. Click Create policy on the IAM > Policies > Create policy page.
    The following sample image shows the Policies page in the AWS > IAM section to create a policy.
    The sample image shows the Policies page in IAM to create a policy in AWS.
  3. Choose the S3 Service, and then choose the following permissions for generic access (assign resources as required):
    • List/ListBucket
    • Read/GetBucketLocation
    • Read/GetObject
    • Write/AbortMultipartUpload
    • Write/PutObject
    • Permissions management/PutBucketPublicAccessBlock
  4. Add Delete/DeleteObject permission to the target COD cluster’s snapshot temporary folder.
    For example, the target COD cluster’s snapshot temporary folder might be located in [***TARGET COD S3 PATH***]/hbase/.hbase-snapshot/.tmp/*.
  5. Enter a Name for the policy, add tags, and click Create policy.
  6. Click Add Users to create a user on the IAM > Users page.
  7. Enter a Name, and click Next.
  8. Choose the Attach policies directly option on the Set permission page, and then assign the previously created policy to the user.
  9. Optionally, add tags and create the user.
  10. Click Create access key to create an access key for the user on the IAM > Users > [***NEW USER***] page.
  11. On the Security Credentials > Access keys page, choose Application running outside AWS. Click Next.
  12. Optionally, attach the tags, create and save the access key. This access key is used as an external account for replication.

    How do I verify whether the target HBase folder in the destination Data Hub or COD does not get deleted if the snapshot export fails during the HBase replication policy job run?

    Perform the following steps to verify if the delete operation is allowed for the access key that you previously created:
    1. Run the aws configure --profile delete-test command to setup the credentials in AWS CLI.
    2. Delete an arbitrarily created temporary file from the account using the aws s3 --profile delete-test rm --recursive s3://[***ACCOUNT NAME***]/delete-testing/ command.
    The delete operation is not allowed.

Solution in Microsoft Azure

If the Data Hub or COD is on ABFS, you can perform the following steps to create an Azure service principal that does not have delete permission for the storage component:
  1. Login to Microsoft Azure.
  2. Click Add > Add a custom role on the Subscriptions > Select the subscription > Access Control (IAM) page in Microsoft Azure, and complete the following steps:
    1. On the Basics tab, provide a name for the role, select Clone a role for the Baseline permissions field, and choose Storage Blob Data Contributor for the Role to clone field. Click Next.
    2. On the Permissions tab, remove the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/delete and Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/delete permissions.
    3. Click Review + create.
      The following sample image shows the Access control (IAM) page in Microsoft Azure:
      The sample image shows the Access control (IAM) page in Microsoft Azure to create a custom role.
  3. Click Add > Add role assignment on the Storage accounts > Select the account where snapshots will be written > Access Control (IAM) page, and complete the following steps:
    1. On the Role tab, select the custom role previously created. Click Next.
    2. On the Members tab, select User, group, or service principal for Assign access to field, and select the required service principal.
    3. Click Review + assign.
    4. Click Review + assign on the Conditions (optional) tab.
  4. Click Add principal on the Storage accounts > [***ACCOUNT NAME***] > [***CONTAINER WHERE SNAPSHOTS ARE TO BE WRITTEN***] > Manage ACL page.
    1. Select the required service principal.
    2. Choose the Execute permission for the required container, and click Save.

    How do I verify whether the target HBase folder in the destination Data Hub or COD does not get deleted if the snapshot export fails during the HBase replication policy job run?

    To verify if the delete operation is allowed on the service principal that you previously created, perform the following steps:
    1. Open the Azure Cloud Shell terminal.
    2. Login using the service principal that you created previously using the az login --service-principal -u [***CLIENT ID***] -p [***CLIENT SECRET***] --tenant [***TENANT ID***] command.
    3. Delete an arbitrarily created temporary file from the account using the az storage fs file delete --path [***TEMPORARY FILE***] -f data --account-name [***ACCOUNT NAME***] --auth-mode login command.
    The delete operation is not allowed.