Fixed Issues in Apache Ranger

Review the list of Ranger issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.12.

CDPD-28887: Use apt logger to log messages.
Made changes to user the Logger to log the messages by removing System.out.println(...). This issue is resolved.
CDPD-28836: Issue in policies search on report page with user having more than one unix group.
Made changes to fetch all the public group and current user({USER}) assigned policies when user search for policies on report page with username. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-28718: Ranger HiveAuthorizer improvements to handle uncharted hive commands.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-28535: Ranger Admin: Improve error message while deleting users and groups associated with role.
This patch has changes to improve error message while deleting users and groups which are associated with role(s). This issue is resolved.
CDPD-27464: For ADLS service, User enter password is not secure.
For ADLS service, the password field has type "string" changed this type to "password". This issue is resolved.
CDPD-27323: All policies are exported, when searching reports using roles.
When policies are searched using Role name on the report page. then only specified role name policies are exported. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20644: Ranger Authorization for StorageHandler based Hive table creation.
This jira provides the functionality of authorizing StorageHandler in the HIVE Create / Alter statement of table. A policy has to be maintained for Storage Type ( hbase, phoenix, kafka, jdbc ) and corresponding Storage URL for the StorageHandler in Ranger for this Authorization. This issue is resolved.

Apache Patch Information

  • RANGER-3468
  • RANGER-3454
  • RANGER-3285
  • RANGER-3463
  • RANGER-3372
  • RANGER-3368
  • RANGER-3361
  • RANGER-3336
  • RANGER-2950
  • RANGER-3374