What's New in Apache Hive

Learn about the new features of Hive in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.12.

Accessing StorageHandler-based tables

In this release, you provide SERDEPROPERTIES or TBLPROPERTIES when you create the external table. In Ranger > Hadoop SQL and in Hadoop SQL Policies, you set up a StorageHandler policy, and turn on a storage handler authorization property in Cloudera Manager. Hive uses this information to authorize access to the table based on Ranger policies you set up.

For details, see Accessing StorageHandler and other external tables.

Token-based authentication for Cloudera Data Warehouse

Using a token, you can sign on to use Hive and Impala in Cloudera Data Warehouse for a period of time instead of entering your single-sign on (SSO) credentials every time you need to run a query.

For details, see Token-based authentication for Cloudera Data Warehouse integrations.