Prerequisite to access Data Catalog service

To access Data Catalog service, you must have the required credentials.

Follow these instructions to provide the required access to the Data Catalog users.

Data Catalog users must have either an EnvironmentAdmin or EnvironmentUser role assigned.

Using DataCatalogCspRuleViewer role, you can list and view the existing Custom Sensitivity Profiler rules.

The PowerUser must provide the requisite access to subscribers who plan to use Data Catalog, either as EnvironmentAdmin or EnvironmentUser.
EnvironmentAdmin EnvironmentUser
Can perform similar actions as EnvironmentUser. Can create Dataset and related actions (Add assets, remove assets, tag assets, tag asset columns, and few others) for data lakes.
Additionally, in the Management Console, can perform the following:
  • Delete Environments.
  • Stop Environments.
  • Upgrade data lake.
Connect to Atlas and Ranger entities for data lakes for which there is access.
Search for assets on the search page.
Bookmark any dataset (even with no data lakes or data lakes to which access is not available).
Access profilers.
Create custom tags.
Launch profilers on a data lake from the search page. Ability to launch the Workload cluster (Must have the Power User role assigned).
Use Filters on the Search page of Data Catalog to filter results.
Launch profilers on a data lake from the search page.

Additionally, using Cloudera Manager, you must configure Atlas and Ranger services. Use the following instructions to complete the process.