OperationsPDF version

Ranger Audit Profiler configuration

In addition to the generic configuration, there are additional parameters for the Ranger Audit Profiler that can optionally be edited.

  1. Go to Profilers > Configs.
  2. Select your data lake.
  3. Select Ranger Audit Profiler.
    The Detail page is displayed.
  4. Use the toggle button to enable or disable the profiler.
  5. Select a schedule to run the profiler. This is implemented as a quartz cron expression.
  6. Continue with the resource settings.
    1. In Advanced Options, set the following:
      • Number of Executors - Enter the number of executors to launch for running this profiler.
      • Executor Cores - Enter the number of cores to be used for each executor.
      • Executor Memory - Enter the amount of memory in GB to be used per executor process.
      • Driver Cores - Enter the number of cores to be used for the driver process.
      • Driver Memory - Enter the memory to be used for the driver processes.
  7. Click Save to apply the configuration changes to the selected profiler.