Use filters to refine the overview of all your available assets.
You must have access to at least one data lake to search and filter your results. By default, a data lake is already selected for you if you have access to it.
You can further refine your search results using filters as follows:
- Owner
- From all the owner names that appear, you can select the owner to further refine the results and display those search results with the selected owner.
- Type
- Select an entity type to view all the assets stored in that type of database.
- Azure BLOB
- Azure Container
- Azure Directory
- AWS S3 Bucket
- AWS S3 Object
- AWS S3 Pseudo Dir
- AWS S3 V2 Bucket
- AWS S3 V2 Directory
- AWS S3 V2 Object
- Hbase Column Family
- Hbase Namesspace
- Hbase Table
- HDFS path
- Hive Column
- Hive DB
- Hive Table
- Iceberg Column
- Iceberg Table
- Impala Column Lineage
- Impala Process
- Impala Process Execution
- Kafka topic
- ML Model Build
- ML Model Deployment
- ML Project
- RDBMS Column
- RDBMS Foreign key
- RDBMS Index
- RDBMS Table
- Spark Application
- Spark Column
- Spark Column Lineage
- Spark DB
- Spark ML Directory
- Spark ML Model
- Spark ML Pipeline
- Spark Process
- Spark Process Execution
- Spark Table
- Entity Tag
- Use entity tags to refine your search results. You can add business metadata as entity tags in Atlas as classifications, or in the Atlas Tags menu. Use these tags to refine your search results and view the details of the required data asset.
- Time Range
- You can filter your assets by the Created On date (if provided by Atlas) after selecting and asset Type. Use the calendar widget to select a range and click Apply.
- Glossary Terms
- You can filter assets based on business glossary terms. You can search for any asset without any entity type restrictions.
Click Cancel for any filter to clear the selection or Clear All to reset all your filters.
In the resulting list of your matching assets, you can click a row
and see the following:
- Qualified name
- Database
- Classification
- Terms
Clicking the Name of the entity will open its Asset Details.