Fixed issues

This section lists the issues that have been fixed since the previous version.

CDPDSS-81: Data Catalog Issue
Problem: If an error occurs while fetching results, an error message appears briefly and disappears. Once the message disappears, the results pane is stuck in the Loading state.
CDPDSS-81: Data Catalog Issue
Problem: Despite having no privileges to add, modify, or delete classifications, users are able to edit the tag flow on the Asset Details page. However, users will not be able to save the changes.
CDPDSS-81: Data Catalog Issue
Problem: On the Asset Details page, the Audit tab fails to load if the logged in user does not have Audit read privilege.
CDPDSS-363: The 403 error message seen in Data Catalog > Table / Audit tab
Problem: Error messaging needs to be improved for users accessing Table and Audit tab without sufficient Ranger role.
CDPDSS-437: Unauthorized message for tag management flow does not have column name
Problem: Unauthorized column names and comma visible for tag management flow.
CDPDSS-444: Duplicate tag based policy on Asset Details Policy tab
Problem: When a specific tag is present both on the table as well as on any column of the same table, and a couple of requests to Ranger with the same tag and it displays the policy twice on list.
CDPDSS-527: Data Catalog specific user roles not supported.
Problem: The following Data Catalog user roles are not supported:
  • DataCatalogCspRuleManager
  • DataCatalogCspRuleViewer

Adding or removing these roles in the User Management will not have any impact on Data Catalog user access.
CDPDSS-81: Data Catalog Issue
Problem: When you navigate to the Data Catalog page from the Environments page or Data Lakes page, the context is not retained and the Data Catalog page loads with the last used context.
Workaround: You must change the context manually by selecting the right data lake.
CDPDSS-302: Profiler Manager server requires a manual restart after installation for DP Tags to reflect in Atlas
Problem: Once the profiler is launched, run the sensitivity profiler, the profiler recognises the sensitive tags but fails to push them to Atlas.
Workaround: You must restart the profiler manager. Note that restarting the profiler manager is a one-time task.
CDPDSS-360: Sensitive and Hive Column Profilers do not support managed Hive tables.
Problem: Profilers cannot access the storage file of the managed table.
CDPDSS-517: Dataset View: Asset list displays loading icon if user is not authorized on Environment on which the dataset is created.
Problem: The dataset view page breaks if user does not have access to the Environment on which the dataset is created.
CDPDSS-570: The Filter type list should be refreshed based on the data lake selection.
Problem: Selecting the filter type from the drop-down does not display the supported entity type and also in the radio button list.
CDPDSS-547: Data lake name missing on the Asset Details page.
Problem: The data lake name was not visible on the Asset Details page .
CDPDSS-594: Database filter and create dataset button gets hidden
Problem: When you clear the query used the clear button, the databaser filter gets hidden and create dataset button on the search page gets disabled.
CDPDSS-636: User able to view assets of a dataset which is available in an inaccessible data lake.
Problem: Users are able to view the assets in a data lake for which they have no permission or access.
CDPDSS-672: On the Asset-Details page, when you make changes and save them, the Scheme page is refreshed, the Schema tab is disabled, and Overview tab becomes operational.
Problem: When you perform some operations on the Asset Details page and save the changes, the Schema tab gets inactive.
CDPDSS-727: CSP Custom Rule Validation is getting stuck in "Validation Running" status
Problem: The rule gets stuck in the Validation Running status.
Workaround: Keep sensitivity profiler enabled when running CSP rule validation.
CDPDSS-955: Data Catalog uses wrong attribute to read createTime of entities and misinterprets lastAccessTime attribute.
Problem: The Data Catalog does not match the Created On date with Atlas.
CDPDSS-949: Asset registration pertaining to GLUE integration is not possible.
Problem: Asset registration failing with GLUE integration.
CDPDSS-921: Table created few days ago and configured recently is getting backlisted.
Problem:When an asset created date is older than the filter applied for black-listing, the asset still gets blacklisted (not picked during the profiler run).
CDPDSS-1007: On-Demand Profiler remains in "in-progress" state if the profiler job fails.
Problem: The On-Demand Profiler remains in the "in-progress" state if the profiler job fails due to some exception (For example: Permission denied exception).
CDPDSS-144: Filter Results Count Mismatch
Problem: When you search and filter the results using Created Before, the count displayed in the filters panel is incorrect. But, the number of search results is accurate.
CDPDSS-144: Search icon within dataset does not work
Problem: When you try to search for an asset within a dataset and click the search icon, it does not yield any results.
Workaround: Press enter to view the search results after entering a string in the search box.
CDPDSS-143: Edit button appears after creating a new dataset
Problem: After creating a new dataset, when you visit the dataset, the Edit button appears instead of Add Assets.
Workaround: Refresh your browser and reopen the dataset. You will be able to see the Add Assets button.
CDPDSS-81: When you select a table tag, owner filters along with the counts disappear
Problem: When you select a table tag, owner filters along with the counts disappear.
Workaround: Make sure you select table tags before selecting the owner filters.
CDPDSS-789: Adding system tag 'dp' prevents further editing of tags on the assets
Problem: Adding system tag 'dp' prevents further editing of tags on the assets
Workaround: Choose not to add the tag 'dp' on any of the assets.
CDPDSS-795: Search bar in schema tab goes empty, but previous results are shown
Problem: Search results displays previous results.
Workaround: Refresh the page.
CDPDSS-797: Schema search tab displays all results for not existing search string
Problem: Search by terms which have no hits and returns all assets.
CDPDSS-1055: Multiple tagging across different types throws 504 Gateway Timeout error
Problem: 504 Bad Gateway error is displayed.
CDPDSS-1075: When one specific asset is tagged to multiple tags from the search page, an incomplete alert is displayed
Problem: Asset name display is inconsistent. Only the first tag is displayed, remaining tag messages do not display the asset name.
CDPDSS-1084: Confusing terminologies.
Problem: Different usage terminologies. Not consistent.
CDPDSS-1373: "Unauthorised" message is displayed by middleware on the Data Catalog UI for every API failing 401
Problem: Data Catalog UI shows a pop-up at the bottom with message: "unauthorised request" and no context.
CDPDSS-1375: Search enhancements by TERM
Problem: In DataCatalog, if the term is included in the asset search query, the count of the assets next to the Data Lakes displays NA. It is because, Atlas search with Glossary term is returns approximate count as -1.
CDPDSS-1410: While navigating to another node from the Lineage tags filter, the tool-tip is retained.
Problem: From the lineage tags filter, the tool-tip is retained.
CDPDSS-1414: The "Cancel" button should exit the "Classifications" pane.
Problem: The "Cancel" button does not go away from the the "Classification" pane.
CDPDSS-1415: The Attribute name field in the "add classification" gets truncated when its very long and it cannot be read completely.
Problem: The attribute name field cannot be read fully.
CDPDSS-1416: Intermittent: Clicking add classifications reloads the lineage.
Problem: Clicking "add classifications" reloads the lineage but takes a very long before completely loading it.
CDPDSS-1474: [Glossary Terms] Difference in the Slider panel used in Asset Details and Search pages.
Problem: Indifferent display of slider panels in Asset Details and search pages.
CDPDSS-1475: Glossary Term | Allow selection on clicking any part of the row.
Problem: While associating a term to column or entity, the user has to click on the + icon for selection and not just tap on any object within the row.
CDPDSS-1484: Atlas and Ranger services UI link for CDP Private Cloud Base clusters is broken.
Problem: The managerUri attribute in Classic Cluster does not contain the Knox gateway URL.
CDPDSS-1498: For AWS Glue assets, users cannot add terms.
Problem: An error is displayed when Glue asset user tries to add terms.
CDPDSS-1501: On applying the term name in the Glossary filter on the search page, the count for data lakes is rendered as NA
Problem: The result count for data lakes displays are NA but the result list loads correctly.
CDPDSS-1664: Inherited attributes are not getting displayed for tags in the Schema tab slider for specific user cases.
Problem: Missing attributes in the Schema tab slider search bar.
CDPDSS-1179: Data Catalog search via Atlas’s /v2/search/basic API doesn’t retrieve results when the search text mentioned in the entity filter criteria (like searching by DB / table name) has special characters (like + - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ” ~ * ? :)
Workaround: No known workaround via Data Catalog.
CDPDSS-1346: Asset Details view of HiveTable not displaying all columns
Workaround: N/A
CDPDSS-1276: Error is thrown when advanced configuration values are changed to 0 or left blank
Problem:Error is thrown when advanced configuration values are changed to 0 or left blank and saved
CDPDSS-1506: For specific databases, the terms associated to them are not getting deleted
Workaround: N/A
CDPDSS-1595: Data Catalog Profilers are not functioning as expected for Ranger Authorization Service (RAZ) enabled Data Lakes
Problem: When you are using the RAZ enabled clusters, you can launch the Data Catalog profilers but the profilers do not function as expected.
Workaround: To enable RAZ with Azure, you must update the existing Ranger policy and also add a couple of new Ranger policies:
  • Existing Policy: Default: Hive warehouse locations

    Add dpprofiler user and assign Read + List permission.

Later, add the following policies:
  • Policy Name: Profiler locations (Anything that Ranger can accept)

Depending on your storage location, note the following and set them accordingly:

If you have a sample location like:

abfs://<Storage account>@<Storage account container><sub_directory>/dpprofiler 
Storage account:<Storage account>
Storage account container : <Storage account Container>
Relative path: /*/dpprofiler

Select All permissions to allow conditions to take effect.

  • Policy Name :Profiler Ranger Audit Logs (Anything that Ranger can accept)

    Depending on your Storage location, note the following and set them accordingly:

    If you have a sample location like:

    abfs://<Storage account>@<Storage account container><sub_directory>/ranger/audit
    Storage account:<Storage account>
    Storage account container : <Storage account Container>
    Relative path: /*/ranger/audit

    Select Read + List permissions for allow conditions.

    Restart the Profiler Manager service from DataHub Cloudera Manager instance.

CDPDSS-1748: Release specific features call fails with 404 error on the search page
Problem: Release specific features call is failing with 404 error for data lakes with no profiler cluster.
CDPDSS-1774: In the edit dataset page, on selecting all the assets and deselecting a few does not work
Problem: In the edit dataset page, on selecting all the assets and deselecting a few of the assets, deselects them in the UI but on hitting the 'delete' (trash icon), all the assets (selected and unselected ones) are deleted.
CDPDSS-1801: Options drop-down for a dataset stays open even though drop-down is opened for another dataset
Problem: The drop-down for all the datasets stay open.
CDPDSS-1807: Overlapping b/w icon and inline text in text boxes
Problem: This overlapping of icons and inline text is removed from all the pages.
CDPDSS-1808: UI Issues with new 'add asset' modal to add assets to dataset N/A
Problem:Directly clicking on 'search' field of 'Table Tag' shows no results found.

Typing "_" in the search field erases the entire search string

'Clear' text button is not working for Table tags , however it works for column tags

CDPDSS-1897: Show process nodes option is displayed for entity types which do not have process nodes
Problem: The toggle option to show the "process nodes" is present even for entity types which do not have process nodes.
Workaround: N/A
CDPDSS-1954: User cannot delete profilers when no entities are displayed in search result
Problem: The "Action" button containing the option to delete profilers is also removed when the search results yeild no entity type.
CDPDSS-1988: Asset names are not clickable for registered assets in Glue Data Lake
Problem: Once the asset is registered observe that the 'asset name' is in blue but not clickable.
CDPDSS-2125: Unable to create profiler cluster for Cloudera Runtime version 7.2.11 and below
CDPDSS-2130: Unregistered Glue tables consume more time to load Asset Details page.
CDPDSS-2045: Duplicate API calls in Profiler job listing screen
CDPDSS-2032: Profiler Manager Service call is failing for Classic Clusters
CDPDSS-2120: Test run on CSP tag creation fails with 404 error
CDPDSS-2140: System tags status is marked as 'suspended' on a medium duty cluster with Profiler Management Services on SDX
Problem: The system tags are in a suspended state instead of default state which is 'deployed'.
CDPDSS-1965: AWS S3 V2 Directory type nodes could not be clicked in the Asset Details page
The issue was fixed by enabling AWS S3 V2 Directory type nodes in a configuration file.
CDPDSS-2141: Delete profiler option should be available in Data Catalog UI for all the states
Problem: This functionality is present on CloudBreak UI and hence can be made available from Data Catalog App as well.
CDPDSS-2839: Hadoop version upgraded from to
Problem: The Hadoop version is upgraded from to to remediate CVE-2023-44487 and other CVE fixes are implemented as well.
CDPDSS-2925: The getNextScheduledRun API fails if createtime value is in the Allow List.
The issue was fixed by updating the Data Catalog Profiler configuration.
Workaround: Remove asset filter rules with createTime filter and recreate them.
CDPDSS-2926: Profilers page displayed Start Time and Last Updated time in epoch time format
The Profilers page was updated to use the UTC time format.
CDPDSS-2928: Refreshing the Profiler page deletes configuration details
The issue was fixed by updating the Profiler page.
CDPDSS-2929: The Asset Details page reports a 404 error for impala_process_execution type assets.
The issue was fixed by removing the unsupported lineage widget for impala_process_execution type assets.
CDPDSS-2934: Classification and Glossary filters are not loaded on search page intermittently
The issue was fixed by updating the entity search components.
CDPDSS-2948: 400 Bad Request is generated in the Asset details page for Table Type "VIRTUAL_VIEW"
The issue was fixed by adding a tooltip and disabling the ODP run button for the empty location.