Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Understanding Performance using SUMMARY Report

For an overview of the physical performance characteristics for a query, issue the SUMMARY command in impala-shell immediately after executing a query. This condensed information shows which phases of execution took the most time, and how the estimates for memory usage and number of rows at each phase compare to the actual values.

Like the EXPLAIN plan, it is easy to see potential performance bottlenecks in the SUMMARY report. Like the PROFILE output, the SUMMARY report is available after the query is run, and it displays actual timing statistics.

The SUMMARY report is also printed at the beginning of the query profile report described in the PROFILE output, for convenience in examining high-level and low-level aspects of the query side-by-side.

For example, here is a query involving an aggregate function on a single-node. The different stages of the query and their timings are shown (rolled up for all nodes), along with estimated and actual values used in planning the query. In this case, the AVG() function is computed for a subset of data on each node (stage 01) and then the aggregated results from all nodes are combined at the end (stage 03). You can see which stages took the most time, and whether any estimates were substantially different than the actual data distribution. (When examining the time values, be sure to consider the suffixes such as us for microseconds and ms for milliseconds, rather than just looking for the largest numbers.)

[localhost:21000] > select avg(ss_sales_price) from store_sales where ss_coupon_amt = 0;
| avg(ss_sales_price) |
| 37.80770926328327   |
[localhost:21000] > summary;
| Operator     | #Hosts | Avg Time | Max Time | #Rows | Est. #Rows | Peak Mem | Est. Peak Mem | Detail          |
| 03:AGGREGATE | 1      | 1.03ms   | 1.03ms   | 1     | 1          | 48.00 KB | -1 B          | MERGE FINALIZE  |
| 02:EXCHANGE  | 1      | 0ns      | 0ns      | 1     | 1          | 0 B      | -1 B          | UNPARTITIONED   |
| 01:AGGREGATE | 1      | 30.79ms  | 30.79ms  | 1     | 1          | 80.00 KB | 10.00 MB      |                 |
| 00:SCAN HDFS | 1      | 5.45s    | 5.45s    | 2.21M | -1         | 64.05 MB | 432.00 MB     | tpc.store_sales |

Notice how the longest initial phase of the query is measured in seconds (s), while later phases working on smaller intermediate results are measured in milliseconds (ms) or even nanoseconds (ns).

Here is an example from a more complicated query, as it would appear in the PROFILE output: This example taken from: https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/commit/af85d3b518089b8840ddea4356947e40d1aca9bd

Operator              #Hosts   Avg Time   Max Time    #Rows  Est. #Rows  Peak Mem  Est. Peak Mem  Detail
09:MERGING-EXCHANGE        1   79.738us   79.738us        5           5         0        -1.00 B  UNPARTITIONED
05:TOP-N                   3   84.693us   88.810us        5           5  12.00 KB       120.00 B
04:AGGREGATE               3    5.263ms    6.432ms        5           5  44.00 KB       10.00 MB  MERGE FINALIZE
08:AGGREGATE               3   16.659ms   27.444ms   52.52K     600.12K   3.20 MB       15.11 MB  MERGE
07:EXCHANGE                3    2.644ms      5.1ms   52.52K     600.12K         0              0  HASH(o_orderpriority)
03:AGGREGATE               3  342.913ms  966.291ms   52.52K     600.12K  10.80 MB       15.11 MB
02:HASH JOIN               3    2s165ms    2s171ms  144.87K     600.12K  13.63 MB      941.01 KB  INNER JOIN, BROADCAST
|--06:EXCHANGE             3    8.296ms    8.692ms   57.22K      15.00K         0              0  BROADCAST
|  01:SCAN HDFS            2    1s412ms    1s978ms   57.22K      15.00K  24.21 MB      176.00 MB  tpch.orders o
00:SCAN HDFS               3    8s032ms    8s558ms    3.79M     600.12K  32.29 MB      264.00 MB  tpch.lineitem l