What's New in Flow Management

Learn about the new Flow Management features in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.15.

Flow Management DataHub in CDP 7.2.15 is based on Apache NiFi 1.16.0 and includes significant improvements and fixes. Here are the most important new features and improvements:
  • Retry at framework level

    This feature provides the ability to define a retry strategy for the flowfiles going into a given relationship for each processor.

  • Clustering model and flow definition reconciliation

    A disconnected node in a NiFi cluster will no longer cause the UI to be read-only for flow changes and a reconciliation will be executed on the flow definition when the node rejoins the cluster.

  • Snowflake Connection Pool controller service

    This controller service can be used in combination with the JDBC processors to easily interact with Snowflake for both pulling and pushing data.

  • OAuth 2 integration with InvokeHTTP processor

    It is now possible to configure an OAuth2 token provider with InvokeHTTP to easily interact with services requiring OAuth2 authentication.

  • The Kafka processors previously distributed for interacting with Kafka 0.x clusters have been removed. It means that these processors are no longer provided and supported by Cloudera. It is recommended to switch to the processors making use of Kafka 2.x versions.
    • ConsumeKafka
    • ConsumeKafka_0_10
    • ConsumeKafka_0_11
    • ConsumeKafkaRecord_0_10
    • ConsumeKafkaRecord_0_11
    • GetKafka
    • PublishKafka
    • PublishKafka_0_10
    • PublishKafka_0_11
    • PublishKafkaRecord_0_10
    • PublishKafkaRecord_0_11
    • PutKafka
  • Elasticsearch processors that were leveraging the Elasticsearch 2.0 library and the deprecated Transport Client have been removed. It means that the following processors are no longer provided and supported by Cloudera. It is recommended to switch to the processors interacting with Elasticsearch over HTTP.
    • FetchElasticsearch
    • PutElasticsearch