Moving data from SalesforcePDF version

StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider configurations

Learn about how to configure the properties for the StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider controller service.

  • Authorization Server URL

    The authorization server URL is the concatenation of the base URL and the token request service URL ( /services/oauth2/token).

  • Username

    The username is the email address registered in the Salesforce account in use.

  • Password
    For the password, a security token must be requested. The password is made up of the Salesforce account password and the security token, concatenated together without a space. Perform the following steps to get the security token:
    1. Log in to Salesforce.
    2. Go to Profile > Settings.
    3. Go to Reset My Security Token tab in the left-navigation pane.
    4. Click Reset Security Token.

      The security token will be sent to you in an email.

  • Client ID
    In order to fill the Client ID, you need to create a new Connected App within Salesforce.
    1. Log in to Salesforce.
    2. Navigate to Setup.
    3. On the left search panel find App Manager.
    4. Click New Connected App.
    5. Configure the properties, and click Save.

    After it is done, the Consumer Key goes to the Client ID property.

  • Client secret

    The client secret can be found on the same page, as described in the Client ID section, under the name of Consumer Secret.