Upgrade and migrationPDF version

Checking cluster services

You must ensure that all services, you installed, are running in your cluster.

Perform one of the following tasks for checking if the cluster services are running:
  • Manually from the Ambari UI

    Run the service check for each service under Service Actions > Run Service Check.

  • Through Ambari API
    curl ${securecurl} -u "${ambariuser}":"${ambaripwd}" -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Start All via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}' ${ambariprotocol}://${ambariserver}:${ambariport}/api/v1/clusters/${clustername}/services/
    Restart all services. Check if time service stops and starts:
    # curl ${securecurl} -u "${ambariuser}":"${ambaripwd}" -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Stop All via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "INSTALLED"}}}' ${ambariprotocol}://${ambariserver}:${ambariport}/api/v1/clusters/${clustername}/services/
    ###START (takes a long time)
    # curl ${securecurl} -u "${ambariuser}":"${ambaripwd}" -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Start All via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}' ${ambariprotocol}://${ambariserver}:${ambariport}/api/v1/clusters/${clustername}/services/ 

    If any cluster service is not running, fix the service settings before you proceed.