Follow these steps to set up your individual Parameter Contexts and add the relevant
parameters to them.
Create a Parameter Context for the common Kafka settings:
Select Parameter Contexts from the top-right
Global menu in the NiFi UI.
The NiFi Parameter Contexts dialog opens.
Click the (+) button in the top-right corner of the
NiFi Parameter Contexts dialog to add a new Parameter Context.
Add a name for your Parameter Context on the SETTINGS tab.
In this example the name is Kafka.
Switch to the PARAMETERS tab.
Click the (+) button to add the parameters you need for
configuring your data flow.
Provide a name and a value in the Add Parameter dialog. You can
also add a description of the parameter, if you want to.
In this example, the following parameters are added:
Name: Kafka Brokers / Value: localhost:9092
Name: Kafka Group ID / Value: MyGroup
Click APPLY to save the Parameter Context.
Create the remaining Parameter Contexts by repeating sub-steps a to g of Step
1. Use the following names and values:
Parameter Context
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
GCP Cloud Storage
GCP Project ID
GCP Bucket
S3 Bucket
S3 Region
Site Properties
Site Identifier
Site Data Manager
Source ABC
Kafka Topic
Source DEF
Kafka Topic
You are ready with the individual Parameter Contexts that you will
use to create your inheritance hierarchy. Your Parameter Contexts should look like this:
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