Release NotesPDF version

What's new in this release?

Learn about the new functionalities and improvements in Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) and how these new features benefit you.

On November 2, 2023, Cloudera released CFM 2.1.5 SP3. For more information about the issues fixed in CFM 2.1.5 SP3, see Fixed issues.

Upgrade to CFM to access the latest version of the software. You can find the new download links in Download locations.

On October 11, 2023, Cloudera released CFM 2.1.5 SP2. For more information about the issues fixed in CFM 2.1.5 SP2, see Fixed issues and Fixed CVEs.

If you are using CFM or CFM, upgrade to CFM to access the latest version of the software. You can find the new download links in Download locations.

On April 12, 2023, Cloudera released CFM 2.1.5 SP1 containing the following updates and fixes:

  • Iceberg related components are now generally available.
    • Processor: PutIceberg
    • Controller Services: HadoopCatalogService, HiveCatalogService
  • Multiple bugs have been fixed, in particular around the management of versioned flows with NiFi Registry after upgrades.
  • A significant number of dependencies have been upgraded to more recent versions.
  • Some new components have been added:
    • ListenGRPC, ConvertProtobuf for gRPC with custom schemas
    • EncodeContent, DecryptContent, DecryptContentCompatibility
    • GetAsanaObject
    • GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus, GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus, StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation, StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation
    • GetJiraIssue
    • JSLTTransformJSON
    • PutBoxFile, PutDropbox, PutGoogleDrive
    • PutIoTDBRecord
    • PutRedisHashRecord (Technical Preview)
    • PutSalesforceObject
    • TriggerHiveMetaStoreEvent
    • UpdateDeltaLakeTable (Technical Preview)

For more information about the issues fixed in CFM 2.1.5 SP1, see Fixed issues and Fixed CVEs.

If you previously upgraded to CFM, upgrade to CFM to access the latest version of the software. You can find the new download links in Download locations.

CFM 2.1.5 is released with a specific End of Support policy and will be supported until August 2025 to match the CDP 7.1.7 Long Term Support release. CFM 2.1.5 is based on Apache NiFi 1.18.0 and the most important new features and improvements of the release are:

PutIceberg processor
This release includes in Technical Preview a PutIceberg processor to ingest data using Iceberg table format.
Snowflake integration based on Snowpipe
This release includes in Technical Preview a set of processors (GetSnowflakeIngestStatus, StartSnowflakeIngest, and PutSnowflakeInternalStage) to ingest data into Snowflake using Snowpipe.
SaaS processors
This release includes a large range of new SaaS processors allowing you to interact with systems such as Workday, Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, HubSpot, or Airtable.
Registry client to connect to the Cloudera DataFlow Catalog
It is now possible to configure a Registry client in NiFi to connect to a Cloudera DataFlow Catalog instance and to use it as a NiFi Registry for checking out versioned flows and versioning your flows.
Parameter Providers
It is now possible to create Parameter Providers in the Controller Settings. This gives the ability to source values of parameters from external sources such as HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or Databases. You can read more about this new feature in Using Parameter Providers.
Removed processors
Two processors have been removed in this release: ExecuteFlumeSink and ExecuteFlumeSource.