Cloudera Flow Management
(Private Cloud)
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DataFlow for Data Hub
Cloudera Private Cloud
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Getting Started
Cloudera Manager
Management Console
Replication Manager
Data Catalog
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Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Getting Started
Flow Management
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Streaming Analytics Operator
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Cloudera Manager
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Getting Started
Cloudera Manager
Management Console
Replication Manager
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Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Getting Started
Flow Management
Streaming Analytics
Flow Management Operator
Streaming Analytics Operator
Streams Messaging Operator
Filter topics
Cloudera Flow Management
Release Notes
What's new in this release?
CFM component versions
Support matrix
System requirements
Supported operating systems
Supported NiFi Registry databases
Supported NiFi processors
Supported NiFi controller services
Supported NiFi reporting tasks
Supported NiFi parameter providers
Components supported by partners
Download locations
Unsupported features
Unsupported customizations
Technical preview features
Behavioral changes
Known issues
Fixed issues
Fixed CVEs
What is NiFi
What is NiFi Registry
Cloudera Manager integration
Data flow design
Cluster layout
Disk configuration
Resource-intensive processors
Sizing recommendations
Installation & Upgrade
CFM installation workflow
Preparing your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Installing the JDK
Installing and configuring a database for NiFi Registry
Installing MySQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in MySQL
Installing PostgreSQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in PostgreSQL
Installing Cloudera Manager and a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Installing CFM parcel and CSD files
Installing NiFi and NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Adding the NiFi service
Adding the NiFi Registry service
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Installing NiFi and NiFi Registry on a Compute cluster
Creating a Shared Data Context
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Creating a Compute cluster
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry services to a Compute cluster
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Installing NiFi on a Compute cluster and NiFi Registry on a Base cluster
Installing NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Creating a Shared Data Context
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Creating Compute cluster
Adding NiFi to the Compute cluster
Setting up NiFi node users in NiFi Registry
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Upgrade and migration
Upgrade and migration paths
Upgrading from CFM 2.x
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5 from CFM 2.x
Upgrading from CFM 1.x
Before you upgrade
Turning off TLS regeneration
Backing up NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Backing up NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5
Restoring NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Restoring your NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Turning off identity mapping
Additional post-upgrade steps for some upgrade scenarios
Enabling Auto-TLS for CFM
Creating a Ranger user for the Initial Admin Identity
Integrating with Atlas manually
Integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Starting your NiFi and NiFi Registry services
Migration from HDF 3.5.x or CFM 1.x
Before you begin
Preserving source cluster files and directories
Preserving custom processors/NARs
NiFi files to preserve
NiFi Registry files to preserve
Installing CFM 2.1.5
Adding and configuring the NiFi service
Adding and configuring the NiFi Registry service
Verifying CFM 2.1.5
Clearing activity and shutting down source services
Migrating the NiFi data directories
Migrating the NiFi flow.xml.gz file
Updating encryption algorithm for sensitive properties
Removing unnecessary reporting tasks
Updating the Registry Client
Updating references to cluster nodes
Updating a flow with sensitive properties
Migrating authorization policies
Migrating NiFi Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi file-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based policies
Migrating NiFi state and custom components
Migrating NiFi Registry data storage
Migrating the metadata database
Migrating flow storage
Migrating bundle storage configurations
Reviewing NiFi components
Migrating file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi File-Based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based authorization to Ranger
In-place upgrade from HDF 3.5.x
Before you upgrade
Setting Ambari environment variables
Installing Solr service
Checking cluster services
Checking service accounts
Collecting data for upgrade
Collecting Ranger passwords
Collecting Nifi Registry database password
Extracting Kafka broker IDs
Downloading and extending Ambari blueprint
Installing and setting up Cloudera Manager
Checking preinstallation setup
Configuring Cloudera Manager repository
Installing Cloudera Manager server and agents
Configuring database for Cloudera Manager
Starting Cloudera Manager server and adding license
Configuring Cloudera agents and hosts
Adding and configuring Cloudera Management Services
Adding Cloudera Management Services
Modifying host monitor port number
Upgrading HDF to CFM on CDP Private Cloud Base
Generating Cloudera Manager Deployment template
Configuring parcels
Deploying Cloudera Manager
Adding CFM parcel in Cloudera Manager
Activating parcel
Troubleshooting HDF upgrade
Post-upgrade steps on CDP
Enabling security
Setting core configuration service
Starting Zookeeper service
Configuring NiFi Registry settings
Setting database password for NiFi Registry
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi Registry
Configuring Ranger for NiFi Registry
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry directories
Verifying Ranger configurations
Configuring Ranger settings
Configuring Solr settings
Initializing Solr
Configuring NiFi settings
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi
Configuring Ranger for NiFi
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Migrating LDAP authentication configuration
Migrating file-based user handling and policies
Configuring YARN settings
Migrating Kafka Ranger policies
Component installation and upgrade
Installing and starting NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi as a service
Starting and stopping NiFi on Linux
Launching the User Interface
Installing and starting NiFi Registry manually on Linux
Installing NiFi on Windows
Installing NiFi using the MSI file
Using a local user for NiFi Windows Service
Using a domain user for NiFi Windows Service
Starting and stopping NiFi on Windows
Upgrading NiFi manually
Before you upgrade
Installing the new NiFi version
Updating the configuration files for your new NiFi installation
Migrating dataflows with sensitive properties
Restarting the dataflow after upgrade
Upgrading NiFi Registry manually
Installing the new version of NiFi Registry
Updating the configuration files
How To
Managing NiFi in Cloudera Manager
Using the Actions menu
Working with data flows
Tuning your data flow
Tuning your data flow
Timer and event driven thread pools
Viewing the total number of threads in a cluster
Viewing the total number of active threads
Viewing the number of cores
Configuring thread pool size
Concurrent tasks
Run duration
Using Parameter Context Inheritance
What is Parameter Context inheritance?
Example for configuring Parameter Context inheritance
Creating the basic Parameter Contexts
Setting up Parameter Context inheritance
Parameter overriding
Using Parameter Providers
What are Parameter Providers
Example for using Parameter Providers
Creating and configuring a Parameter Provider
Fetching Parameters
Creating a Parameter Context from a Parameter Group
Updating Parameter sensitivity
Updating Parameter Context when the external source has changed
Using Parameter Context inheritance to combine Parameters
Using DataFlow Catalog Registry Client
Creating a Machine User
Adding a new Registry Client
Checking out a ReadyFlow
Checking out your flows
Versioning a flow in the Catalog
Moving data using NiFi site-to-site
Moving data from CDP Private Cloud Base to Public Cloud with NiFi site-to-site
Understanding the use case
Preparing your clusters
Setting up your network configuration
Configuring your truststores
Defining your CDP Public Cloud data flow
Configuring Ranger policies for site-to-site communication
Defining your CDP Private Cloud Base data flow
Moving data between CDP and other systems
Moving data in and out of Snowflake
Pushing data to and moving data from Snowflake using Apache NiFi
Moving data out of Snowflake
Before you begin
Downloading the Snowflake JDBC driver JAR file
Adding Snowflake CA certificates to NiFi truststore
Building your data flow
Creating Controller Services for your data flow
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your target processor
Confirming your data flow success
Pushing data into Snowflake
Before you begin
Adding Snowflake CA certificates to NiFi truststore
Building your dataflow
Configuring your Controller Services
Configure your source processor
Configuring your target processor
Confirming your data flow success
Next steps
Moving data from Salesforce
Moving data out of Salesforce using Apache NiFi
Moving data out of Salesforce
Before you begin
Configuring Salesforce
Building your dataflow
Creating Controller Services for your dataflow
StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider configurations
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your target processor
Confirming your dataflow success
Moving data to Ozone
Pushing data to Ozone using NiFi
Before you begin
Building your dataflow
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your target processor
Starting your dataflow
Moving data to CDW using Iceberg format
Moving data into CDW on CDP PvC Data Services using Iceberg table format
Understanding the use case
Creating Iceberg target table
Building data flow
Creating and configuring controller services
Configuring processor for data source
Configuring processor for data target
Starting the data flow
Using Apache NiFi
Using Apache NiFi
Using Apache NiFi Toolkit
Using Apache NiFi Toolkit
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Identity and policies in NiFi
TLS/SSL Configuration
Enabling Auto-TLS
Configuring TLS/SSL manually
TLS/SSL certificate requirements and recommendations
Configuring TLS/SSL encryption manually for NiFi and NiFi Registry
NiFi TLS/SSL properties
NiFi Registry TLS/SSL properties
Kerberos authentication
Customizing Kerberos principal
LDAP authentication
SAML authentication
OpenID Connect authentication
Identity-Mapping properties
User group providers
LDAP Integration
LDAP and Ranger Policies
LDAP and File-Based Policies
LDAP User Group Provider Properties
Pairing LDAP with a Composite Group Provider
Access Policies providers
Ranger authorization
Understanding the Ranger Authorization Process for CFM
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi Registry
Predefined component-level policies for NiFi
NiFi Restricted Components
Before you begin
Add user to a pre-defined Ranger access policy
Create a custom Ranger access policy
Authorization example
Enable access to Knox and NiFi
File-based authorization
Migrating file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi File-Based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based authorization to Ranger
Environment variables
Kerberos credentials
Local file system access
Default ports for NiFi and NiFi Registry
FIPS compliance
Encrypting NiFi sensitive properties with FIPS 140-2 approved algorithm
Configuring NiFi to use GCM ciphers
Integrating NiFi and Atlas
Manually integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is not enabled
Manually integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Integrating NiFi and NiFi Registry with Knox
Enhancing or overwriting properties in Cloudera Manager
Property enhancements
XML property enhancements
Bootstrap and Properties file enhancements
Apache NiFi REST API Reference
Apache NiFi RecordPath Guide
Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide
Apache NiFi System Administrator Guide
Apache NiFi Developer Guide
Apache NiFi Registry REST API
Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator Guide
Getting Started with Cloudera Flow Management
What is Cloudera Flow Management?
Set up Cloudera Flow Management
Download NiFi and NiFi Registry
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry
Start NiFi and NiFi Registry
Build your first data flow
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Create a bucket in NiFi Registry
Version data flows
Start version control
Commit local changes
Change the version of your data flow
Manage versioned data flows
Getting started with Apache NiFi
Getting started with Apache NiFi Registry
Access Policies providers
Activating parcel
Add user to a pre-defined Ranger access policy
Adding a new Registry Client
Adding and configuring Cloudera Management Services
Adding and configuring the NiFi Registry service
Adding and configuring the NiFi service
Adding CFM parcel in Cloudera Manager
Adding Cloudera Management Services
Adding NiFi to the Compute cluster
Adding Snowflake CA certificates to NiFi truststore
Adding Snowflake CA certificates to NiFi truststore
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry services to a Compute cluster
Adding the NiFi Registry service
Adding the NiFi service
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Adding users or groups to Ranger policies
Additional post-upgrade steps for some upgrade scenarios
Apache NiFi Developer Guide
Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide
Apache NiFi RecordPath Guide
Apache NiFi Registry REST API
Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator Guide
Apache NiFi REST API Reference
Apache NiFi System Administrator Guide
Authorization example
Backing up NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Backing up NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you upgrade
Before you upgrade
Before you upgrade
Before you upgrade
Behavioral changes
Bootstrap and Properties file enhancements
Build your first data flow
Building data flow
Building your data flow
Building your dataflow
Building your dataflow
Building your dataflow
CFM component versions
CFM installation workflow
Change the version of your data flow
Checking cluster services
Checking out a ReadyFlow
Checking out your flows
Checking preinstallation setup
Checking service accounts
Clearing activity and shutting down source services
Cloudera Flow Management
Cloudera Manager integration
Cluster layout
Collecting data for upgrade
Collecting Nifi Registry database password
Collecting Ranger passwords
Commit local changes
Component installation and upgrade
Components supported by partners
Concurrent tasks
Configure your source processor
Configuring Cloudera agents and hosts
Configuring Cloudera Manager repository
Configuring database for Cloudera Manager
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi Registry
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in MySQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in PostgreSQL
Configuring NiFi Registry settings
Configuring NiFi settings
Configuring NiFi to use GCM ciphers
Configuring parcels
Configuring processor for data source
Configuring processor for data target
Configuring Ranger for NiFi
Configuring Ranger for NiFi Registry
Configuring Ranger policies for site-to-site communication
Configuring Ranger settings
Configuring Salesforce
Configuring Solr settings
Configuring thread pool size
Configuring TLS/SSL encryption manually for NiFi and NiFi Registry
Configuring TLS/SSL manually
Configuring YARN settings
Configuring your Controller Services
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your source processor
Configuring your target processor
Configuring your target processor
Configuring your target processor
Configuring your target processor
Configuring your truststores
Confirming your data flow success
Confirming your data flow success
Confirming your dataflow success
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connecting NiFi to NiFi Registry
Create a bucket in NiFi Registry
Create a custom Ranger access policy
Creating a Compute cluster
Creating a Machine User
Creating a Parameter Context from a Parameter Group
Creating a Ranger user for the Initial Admin Identity
Creating a Shared Data Context
Creating a Shared Data Context
Creating and configuring a Parameter Provider
Creating and configuring controller services
Creating Compute cluster
Creating Controller Services for your data flow
Creating Controller Services for your dataflow
Creating Iceberg target table
Creating the basic Parameter Contexts
Customizing Kerberos principal
Data flow design
Default ports for NiFi and NiFi Registry
Defining your CDP Private Cloud Base data flow
Defining your CDP Public Cloud data flow
Deploying Cloudera Manager
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Deselecting unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Disk configuration
Download locations
Download NiFi and NiFi Registry
Downloading and extending Ambari blueprint
Downloading the Snowflake JDBC driver JAR file
Enable access to Knox and NiFi
Enabling Auto-TLS
Enabling Auto-TLS for CFM
Enabling security
Encrypting NiFi sensitive properties with FIPS 140-2 approved algorithm
Enhancing or overwriting properties in Cloudera Manager
Environment variables
Example for configuring Parameter Context inheritance
Example for using Parameter Providers
Extracting Kafka broker IDs
Fetching Parameters
File-based authorization
FIPS compliance
Fixed CVEs
Fixed issues
Generating Cloudera Manager Deployment template
Getting started with Apache NiFi
Getting started with Apache NiFi Registry
Getting Started with Cloudera Flow Management
Identity and policies in NiFi
Identity-Mapping properties
In-place upgrade from HDF 3.5.x
Initializing Solr
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry
Installing and configuring a database for NiFi Registry
Installing and setting up Cloudera Manager
Installing and starting NiFi on Linux
Installing and starting NiFi Registry manually on Linux
Installing CFM 2.1.5
Installing CFM parcel and CSD files
Installing Cloudera Manager and a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Installing Cloudera Manager server and agents
Installing MySQL
Installing NiFi and NiFi Registry on a Compute cluster
Installing NiFi and NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Installing NiFi as a service
Installing NiFi on a Compute cluster and NiFi Registry on a Base cluster
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi on Windows
Installing NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Installing NiFi using the MSI file
Installing PostgreSQL
Installing Solr service
Installing the JDK
Installing the new NiFi version
Installing the new version of NiFi Registry
Integrating NiFi and Atlas
Integrating NiFi and NiFi Registry with Knox
Integrating with Atlas manually
Integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Kerberos authentication
Kerberos credentials
Known issues
Launching the User Interface
LDAP and File-Based Policies
LDAP and Ranger Policies
LDAP authentication
LDAP Integration
LDAP User Group Provider Properties
Local file system access
Manage versioned data flows
Managing NiFi in Cloudera Manager
Manually integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Manually integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is not enabled
Migrating authorization policies
Migrating bundle storage configurations
Migrating dataflows with sensitive properties
Migrating file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating file-based user handling and policies
Migrating flow storage
Migrating Kafka Ranger policies
Migrating LDAP authentication configuration
Migrating NiFi File-Based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi File-Based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi file-based policies
Migrating NiFi Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry data storage
Migrating NiFi Registry directories
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi state and custom components
Migrating the metadata database
Migrating the NiFi data directories
Migrating the NiFi flow.xml.gz file
Migration from HDF 3.5.x or CFM 1.x
Modifying host monitor port number
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Moving data between CDP and other systems
Moving data from CDP Private Cloud Base to Public Cloud with NiFi site-to-site
Moving data from Salesforce
Moving data in and out of Snowflake
Moving data into CDW on CDP PvC Data Services using Iceberg table format
Moving data out of Salesforce
Moving data out of Salesforce using Apache NiFi
Moving data out of Snowflake
Moving data to CDW using Iceberg format
Moving data to Ozone
Moving data using NiFi site-to-site
Next steps
NiFi files to preserve
NiFi Registry files to preserve
NiFi Registry TLS/SSL properties
NiFi Restricted Components
NiFi TLS/SSL properties
OpenID Connect authentication
Pairing LDAP with a Composite Group Provider
Parameter overriding
Post-upgrade steps on CDP
Predefined component-level policies for NiFi
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi Registry
Preparing your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Preparing your clusters
Preserving custom processors/NARs
Preserving source cluster files and directories
Property enhancements
Pushing data into Snowflake
Pushing data to and moving data from Snowflake using Apache NiFi
Pushing data to Ozone using NiFi
Ranger authorization
Release Notes
Removing unnecessary reporting tasks
Resource-intensive processors
Restarting the dataflow after upgrade
Restoring NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Restoring your NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Reviewing NiFi components
Run duration
SAML authentication
Set up Cloudera Flow Management
Setting Ambari environment variables
Setting core configuration service
Setting database password for NiFi Registry
Setting up NiFi node users in NiFi Registry
Setting up Parameter Context inheritance
Setting up your network configuration
Sizing recommendations
StandardOauth2AccessTokenProvider configurations
Start NiFi and NiFi Registry
Start version control
Starting and stopping NiFi on Linux
Starting and stopping NiFi on Windows
Starting Cloudera Manager server and adding license
Starting the data flow
Starting your dataflow
Starting your NiFi and NiFi Registry services
Starting Zookeeper service
Support matrix
Supported NiFi controller services
Supported NiFi parameter providers
Supported NiFi processors
Supported NiFi Registry databases
Supported NiFi reporting tasks
Supported operating systems
System requirements
Technical preview features
Timer and event driven thread pools
TLS/SSL certificate requirements and recommendations
TLS/SSL Configuration
Troubleshooting HDF upgrade
Tuning your data flow
Tuning your data flow
Turning off identity mapping
Turning off TLS regeneration
Understanding the Ranger Authorization Process for CFM
Understanding the use case
Understanding the use case
Unsupported customizations
Unsupported features
Updating a flow with sensitive properties
Updating encryption algorithm for sensitive properties
Updating Parameter Context when the external source has changed
Updating Parameter sensitivity
Updating references to cluster nodes
Updating the configuration files
Updating the configuration files for your new NiFi installation
Updating the Registry Client
Upgrade and migration
Upgrade and migration paths
Upgrading from CFM 1.x
Upgrading from CFM 2.x
Upgrading HDF to CFM on CDP Private Cloud Base
Upgrading NiFi manually
Upgrading NiFi Registry manually
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5 from CFM 2.x
User group providers
Using a domain user for NiFi Windows Service
Using a local user for NiFi Windows Service
Using Apache NiFi
Using Apache NiFi
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Using Apache NiFi Toolkit
Using Apache NiFi Toolkit
Using DataFlow Catalog Registry Client
Using Parameter Context Inheritance
Using Parameter Context inheritance to combine Parameters
Using Parameter Providers
Using the Actions menu
Verifying CFM 2.1.5
Verifying Ranger configurations
Version data flows
Versioning a flow in the Catalog
Viewing the number of cores
Viewing the total number of active threads
Viewing the total number of threads in a cluster
What are Parameter Providers
What is Cloudera Flow Management?
What is NiFi
What is NiFi Registry
What is Parameter Context inheritance?
What's new in this release?
Working with data flows
XML property enhancements
Filter topics
Installing CFM 2.1.5
Upgrade and migration paths
Upgrading from CFM 2.x
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5 from CFM 2.x
Upgrading from CFM 1.x
Before you upgrade
Turning off TLS regeneration
Backing up NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Backing up NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Upgrading to CFM 2.1.5
Restoring NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Restoring your NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Turning off identity mapping
Additional post-upgrade steps for some upgrade scenarios
Enabling Auto-TLS for CFM
Creating a Ranger user for the Initial Admin Identity
Integrating with Atlas manually
Integrating with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Starting your NiFi and NiFi Registry services
Migration from HDF 3.5.x or CFM 1.x
Before you begin
Preserving source cluster files and directories
Preserving custom processors/NARs
NiFi files to preserve
NiFi Registry files to preserve
Installing CFM 2.1.5
Adding and configuring the NiFi service
Adding and configuring the NiFi Registry service
Verifying CFM 2.1.5
Clearing activity and shutting down source services
Migrating the NiFi data directories
Migrating the NiFi flow.xml.gz file
Updating encryption algorithm for sensitive properties
Removing unnecessary reporting tasks
Updating the Registry Client
Updating references to cluster nodes
Updating a flow with sensitive properties
Migrating authorization policies
Migrating NiFi Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry Ranger-based policies
Migrating NiFi file-based policies
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based policies
Migrating NiFi state and custom components
Migrating NiFi Registry data storage
Migrating the metadata database
Migrating flow storage
Migrating bundle storage configurations
Reviewing NiFi components
Migrating file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi File-Based authorization to Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry file-based authorization to Ranger
In-place upgrade from HDF 3.5.x
Before you upgrade
Setting Ambari environment variables
Installing Solr service
Checking cluster services
Checking service accounts
Collecting data for upgrade
Collecting Ranger passwords
Collecting Nifi Registry database password
Extracting Kafka broker IDs
Downloading and extending Ambari blueprint
Downloading Ambari blueprint
Extending the JSON file
Installing and setting up Cloudera Manager
Checking preinstallation setup
Configuring Cloudera Manager repository
Installing Cloudera Manager server and agents
Configuring database for Cloudera Manager
Starting Cloudera Manager server and adding license
Configuring Cloudera agents and hosts
Adding and configuring Cloudera Management Services
Adding Cloudera Management Services
Modifying host monitor port number
Upgrading HDF to CFM on CDP Private Cloud Base
Generating Cloudera Manager Deployment template
Configuring parcels
Deploying Cloudera Manager
Adding CFM parcel in Cloudera Manager
Activating parcel
Troubleshooting HDF upgrade
Post-upgrade steps on CDP
Enabling security
Setting core configuration service
Starting Zookeeper service
Configuring NiFi Registry settings
Setting database password for NiFi Registry
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi Registry
Configuring Ranger for NiFi Registry
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Migrating NiFi Registry directories
Verifying Ranger configurations
Configuring Ranger settings
Configuring Solr settings
Initializing Solr
Configuring NiFi settings
Configuring Kerberos for NiFi
Configuring Ranger for NiFi
Modifying the service name in Ranger
Migrating LDAP authentication configuration
Migrating file-based user handling and policies
Configuring YARN settings
Migrating Kafka Ranger policies
Upgrade and migration
Installing CFM
Provides information about installing CFM
Adding and configuring the NiFi service
Provides the steps for how to add and configure your NiFi service.
Adding and configuring the NiFi Registry service
Provides the steps for how to add and configure your NiFi Registry service.
Parent topic:
Migration from HDF 3.5.x or CFM 1.1.0 to CFM 2.x on CDP
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