Managing an Apache Hive workload
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Setting up and using a resource plan

Understanding the prerequisites for using workload management is critical. Prerequisites are running LLAP and setting up a YARN queue for workload management in addition to the LLAP queue. As administrator, you can define a resource plan using DDL statements that typically include event-triggered resource pools for different users or applications. You can then manage workloads using the resource plan. After creating and enabling a resource plan, you must activate it. When you want to alter a resource plan or stop using it, you must disable it.

  • Set up and run Hive low-latency analytical processing (LLAP), which includes a YARN queue configured for LLAP.

    Ambari sets to the name of this queue.

  • Set up a second YARN queue for interactive workload management.
  • Add a custom property hive.server2.tez.interactive.queue to hiveserver2-interactive-site that names the interactive workload management queue.