An Apache Zeppelin notebook is a browser-based GUI you can use for interactive data exploration, modeling, and visualization.
As an Apache Zeppelin notebook author or collaborator, you write code in a browser window. When you run the code from the browser, Zeppelin sends the code to backend processors such as Spark. The processor or service and returns results; you can then use Zeppelin to review and visualize results in the browser.
Note: Zeppelin on HDP does not support sharing a note by sharing its URL, due to lack of proper access control over how and with whom a note can be shared.
Apache Zeppelin is supported on the following browsers:
Internet Explorer, latest supported releases. (Zeppelin is not supported on versions 8 or 9, due to lack of native support for WebSockets.)
Google Chrome, latest stable release.
Mozilla Firefox, latest stable release.
Apple Safari, latest stable release. Note that when SSL is enabled for Zeppelin, Safari requires a Certificate Authority-signed certificate to access the Zeppelin UI.