HiveServer2 High Availability in Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud

Cloudera Data Warehouse provides an option to enable active-passive configuration for HiveServer2 (HS2) pods in Private Cloud for Hive and Unified Analytics. By selecting this option, two HS2 pods run simultaneously–one active and the other inactive. When one pod terminates, the inactive pod becomes active--most likey due to a node failure, providing High Availability (HA).

You can enable the Enable Active-Passive Hiveserver HA option while creating a new Hive or Unified Analytics Virtual Warehouse or editing it.

Applying HS2 HA option on an existing Virtual Warehouse

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Data Warehouse service.
  2. Go to the Virtual Warehouse on which you want to enable HS2 HA, click > Edit, and go to the Sizing and Scaling tab.
  3. Select the Enable Active-Passive Hiveserver HA option.
  4. Click Apply Changes.