Hive warehouse configuration options
While creating Hive Virtual Warehouses, you can set auto-suspend time, disable
automatic suspension of the Virtual Warehouse, configure concurrency auto-scaling, and
enable query isolation. These configurations help you in provisioning a high-performance and
scalable Hive Virtual Warehouse.
Auto-suspend Virtual Warehouses AutoSuspend Timeout is an option you can set while creating a Virtual Warehouse. Understand how the auto-suspend timeout option works along with the auto-scaling settings on a Virtual Warehouse.Concurrency autoscaling Concurrency autoscaling is an option you can set while creating a Hive Virtual Warehouse. Understand how concurrency autoscaling works and when to use it.Query isolation Query isolation is an option you can set while creating a Hive Virtual Warehouse. Understand how you can enable query isolation to configure the SQL engine to isolate queries that involve lengthy scanning, how to determine the default scan size threshold, and the queries types that benefit from query isolation.HiveServer2 High Availability in CDW Private Cloud Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) provides an option to enable active-passive configuration for HiveServer2 (HS2) pods in Private Cloud for Hive and Unified Analytics. By selecting this option, two HS2 pods run simultaneously–one active and the other inactive. When one pod terminates, the inactive pod becomes active--most likey due to a node failure, providing High Availability (HA).