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Setting up NiFi node users in NiFi Registry

To be able to save versioned NiFi dataflows to NiFi Registry, you need to create NiFi node users for NiFi Registry and Ranger.

You must perform this task to be able to save versioned NiFi dataflows to NiFi Registry.

  • You have installed NiFi Registry on your base cluster.
  • You have created a compute cluster and added the NiFi service.
  1. Optional: Perform this step if you want to set up NiFi node users through group identity.
    1. Add a new user for each NiFi node (node user is derived from the NiFi nodes certificate DNs) in your compute cluster on the NiFi Registry UI.
    2. Add "nifiregistry" group and then add the node users you have created in the previous step to this group on the NiFi Registry UI.
  2. From Ranger, perform one of the following steps:
    • If you completed Step 1, verify that the "nifiregistry" group exists in Ranger. If it does not exist, add it.
    • If you did not perform Step 1, add a new user for each NiFi node (node user is derived from the NiFi nodes certificate DNs) in your compute cluster.
  3. Based on the path followed in Step 2, add either the "nifiregistry" group or all NiFi node users to the following NiFi Registry policies in Ranger:
    • /buckets policy with Read permissions
    • /proxy policy with Read, Write, and Delete permissions

Once you have created NiFi node users for NiFi Registry and Ranger, proceed by connecting NiFi and NiFi Registry and complete any additional optional tasks.