Fixed Issues
Review the list of Cloudera Flow Management issues that are resolved in CFM 2.1.3.
CFM 2.1.3 is based on Apache NiFi and includes additional commits:
- NIFI-830: Added FlowFile Naming Strategy to InvokeHTTP
- NIFI-3328: SendTrapSNMP and ListenTrapSNMP processors added
- NIFI-8806: Refactored ListenTCP using Netty
- NIFI-9205: Update prioritizer configuration
- NIFI-9291: Added NiFi HTTP request logging
- NIFI-9304: Added Google Cloud Pub/Sub Lite processors
- NIFI-9308: Added EmailRecordSink
- NIFI-9334: Add support for upsert in 'PutMongoRecord'. Use 'bulkWrite' for both insert and upsert
- NIFI-9338: Add Azure Blob processors using Azure Blob Storage client library v12 for Java
- NIFI-9355: Upgraded Apache Curator from 4.2.0 to 5.2.0
- NIFI-9371: Removed synchronized keyword from Active Threads methods
- NIFI-9379: Add dependent properties and resource definitions to manifest model
- NIFI-9382: Improve startup time when loading flow that uses many HDFS related processors
- NIFI-9384: Corrected usage and generics in ListenTCP
- NIFI-9385: Add Flow Metrics producer for Cloudera Manager
- NIFI-9394: Removed RequestLogger and TimerFilter
- NIFI-9524: exclude commons-logging and log4j-core banned dependencies for other build profiles as well
- NIFI-9534: Upgraded Log4j 2 BOM from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1
- NIFI-9552: Make sure cl-over-slf4j is included under ext/ranger/install/lib directory