Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

JSON Web Tokens

NiFi uses JSON Web Tokens to provide authenticated access after the initial login process. Generated JSON Web Tokens include the authenticated user identity as well as the issuer and expiration from the configured Login Identity Provider.

NiFi uses generated RSA Key Pairs with a key size of 4096 bits to support the PS512 algorithm for JSON Web Signatures. The system stores RSA Public Keys using the configured local State Provider and retains the RSA Private Key in memory. This approach supports signature verification for the expiration configured in the Login Identity Provider without persisting the private key.

JSON Web Token support includes revocation on logout using JSON Web Token Identifiers. The system denies access for expired tokens based on the Login Identity Provider configuration, but revocation invalidates the token prior to expiration. The system stores revoked identifiers using the configured local State Provider and runs a scheduled command to delete revoked identifiers after the associated expiration.

The following settings can be configured in nifi.properties to control JSON Web Token signing.

Property Name Description


JSON Web Signature Key Rotation Period defines how often the system generates a new RSA Key Pair, expressed as an ISO 8601 duration. The default is one hour: PT1H