Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Repository Encryption

Repository encryption provides a layer of security for information persisted to the filesystem during processing. Enabling encryption and configuring a Key Provider using these properties applies to all repositories.




The encryption protocol version applied to all repository implementations. Absence of this property value disables repository encryption. Configuring a supported protocol enables encryption for all repositories. Supported protocol versions include: 1.


The key identifier that repository implementations will use for new encryption operations. The key identifier must match the alias value for a Key Entry when using the KEYSTORE provider.


The Key Provider implementation that repository implementations will use for retrieving keys necessary for encryption and decryption. Supported providers include: KEYSTORE.


Path to the KeyStore resource required for the KEYSTORE provider to read available keys. The KeyStore must contain one or more Secret Key entries. File paths must end with a known extension. Supported KeyStore types include: PKCS12 and BCFKS. Supported extensions include: .p12 and .bcfks


Password for the configured KeyStore resource required for the KEYSTORE provider to decrypt available keys. The configured KeyStore must use the same password for both the KeyStore and individual Key Entries.

Configuring repository encryption properties overrides the following repository implementation class properties, as well as associated Key Provider properties:

  • nifi.content.repository.implementation

  • nifi.flowfile.repository.wal.implementation

  • nifi.provenance.repository.implementation

  • nifi.swap.manager.implementation

The following provides an example set of configuration properties using a PKCS12 KeyStore as the Key Provider:
