Apache NiFi Registry Admin GuidePDF version

Bootstrap Properties

The bootstrap.conf file in the conf directory allows users to configure settings for how NiFi Registry should be started. This includes parameters, such as the size of the Java Heap, what Java command to run, and Java System Properties.

Here, we will address the different properties that are made available in the file. Any changes to this file will take effect only after NiFi Registry has been stopped and restarted.




Specifies the fully qualified java command to run. By default, it is simply java but could be changed to an absolute path or a reference an environment variable, such as $JAVA_HOME/bin/java


The username to run NiFi Registry as. For instance, if NiFi Registry should be run as the nifi_registry user, setting this value to nifi_registry will cause the NiFi Registry Process to be run as the nifi_registry user. This property is ignored on Windows. For Linux, the specified user may require sudo permissions.


The lib directory to use for NiFi Registry. By default, this is set to ./lib


The conf directory to use for NiFi Registry. By default, this is set to ./conf


When NiFi Registry is instructed to shutdown, the Bootstrap will wait this number of seconds for the process to shutdown cleanly. At this amount of time, if the service is still running, the Bootstrap will kill the process, or terminate it abruptly. By default, this is set to 20.


Any number of JVM arguments can be passed to the NiFi Registry JVM when the process is started. These arguments are defined by adding properties to bootstrap.conf that begin with java.arg.. The rest of the property name is not relevant, other than to different property names, and will be ignored. The default includes properties for minimum and maximum Java Heap size, the garbage collector to use, etc.


The root key (in hexadecimal format) for encrypted sensitive configuration values. When NiFi Registry is started, this root key is used to decrypt sensitive values from the nifi-registry.properties file into memory for later use.

The Encrypt-Config Tool can be used to specify the root key, encrypt sensitive values in nifi-registry.properties and update bootstrap.conf.