Before you upgrade
Before you start the HDF to CFM in-place upgrade process, ensure you understand the upgrade path available to you and your cluster meets the required prerequisites.
Upgrade path🔗
The upgrade path is to use AM2CM tool and to upgrade from HDF to CDP 7.1.7 with CFM 2.1.3. If you have an earlier version of HDF, then first upgrade to HDF and then upgrade to CDP 7.1.7 with CFM 2.1.3.
SSH to host where Ambari is installed.
The Ambari machine contains the Cloudera Manager server.
Assign values to the following variables:
export clustername=HDFTOCDF export pfork=6 export ambariuser=admin export ambaripwd=admin export ambariport=8080 export backupdir=/data/backups export ambariprotocol=http export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- export ambariserver=`hostname -f` export export export export kdchost=`hostname -f` export kdcrealm=EXAMPLE.COM export kdcpasswd=Cloudera123 [ "${ambariprotocol}" = "https" ] && export securecurl="-k" || export securecurl=""
You need to assign values to these variables because the scripts used in this migration uses these predefined variables. The following list explains the environment variables:export clustername=HDFTOCDF
This is the cluster name in the Ambari UI. An Ambari server could manage more than one cluster, and when that happens the cluster name identifies the cluster. This is important, because this value is used when calling Ambari REST API to export blueprint.
export ambariuser=admin
Ambari user name which has right to perform Ambari REST calls and admin operations on the cluster.
export ambaripwd=admin
Ambari password for the above user (the user name and password variables are used by curl bash scripts later in the documentation).
export ambariport=8080
HTTP or HTTPs port number which is needed for Ambari REST API calls.
export backupdir=/data/backups
The directory where you save the cluster blueprint.
export ambariprotocol=http
Ambari server supported procotol (HTTP or HTTPS).
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
JAVA_HOME directory which is needed for some bash script.
export ambariserver=`hostname -f`
Hostname of the machine where the Ambari server is running.
Hostname of the metrics collector. Usually it is the machine where the Ambari server is running.
Hostname of the Grafana host. Usually it is the machine where the Ambari server is running.
Hostname of the Infra host. Usually it is the machine where the Ambari server is running.
export kdchost=`hostname -f`
If Kerberos is used, this should point to the machine where Kerberos server is running.
export kdcrealm=EXAMPLE.COM
If Kerberos is used, this should point to the Kerberos server realm.
export kdcpasswd=Cloudera123
If Kerberos is used, this should point to Kerberos server admin password.
[ "${ambariprotocol}" = "https" ] && export securecurl="-k" || export securecurl=""
Initializes securecurl variable, based on previous values, used in some of the bash script later in the documentation.