Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Proxy Configuration

​When running Apache NiFi behind a proxy there are a couple of key items to be aware of during deployment.

  • NiFi is comprised of a number of web applications (web UI, web API, documentation, custom UIs, data viewers, etc), so the mapping needs to be configured for the root path. That way all context paths are passed through accordingly. For instance, if only the /nifi context path was mapped, the custom UI for UpdateAttribute will not work, since it is available at /update-attribute-ui-<version>.

  • NiFi's REST API will generate URIs for each component on the graph. Since requests are coming through a proxy, certain elements of the URIs being generated need to be overridden. Without overriding, the users will be able to view the dataflow on the canvas but will be unable to modify existing components. Requests will be attempting to call back directly to NiFi, not through the proxy. The elements of the URI can be overridden by adding the following HTTP headers when the proxy generates the HTTP request to the NiFi instance:

X-ProxyScheme - the scheme to use to connect to the proxy
X-ProxyHost - the host of the proxy
X-ProxyPort - the port the proxy is listening on
X-ProxyContextPath - the path configured to map to the NiFi instance
  • If NiFi is running securely, any proxy needs to be authorized to proxy user requests. These can be configured in the NiFi UI through the Global Menu. Once these permissions are in place, proxies can begin proxying user requests. The end user identity must be relayed in a HTTP header. For example, if the end user sent a request to the proxy, the proxy must authenticate the user. Following this the proxy can send the request to NiFi. In this request an HTTP header should be added as follows.

X-ProxiedEntitiesChain: <end-user-identity>

If the proxy is configured to send to another proxy, the request to NiFi from the second proxy should contain a header as follows.

X-ProxiedEntitiesChain: <end-user-identity><proxy-1-identity>

An example Apache proxy configuration that sets the required properties may look like the following. Complete proxy configuration is outside of the scope of this document. Please refer the documentation of the proxy for guidance for your deployment environment and use case.

<Location "/my-nifi">
        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile /path/to/proxy/certificate.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/proxy/key.key
        SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/ca/certificate.crt
        SSLVerifyClient require
        RequestHeader add X-ProxyScheme "https"
        RequestHeader add X-ProxyHost "proxy-host"
        RequestHeader add X-ProxyPort "443"
        RequestHeader add X-ProxyContextPath "/my-nifi"
        RequestHeader add X-ProxiedEntitiesChain "<%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}>"
        ProxyPass https://nifi-host:8443
        ProxyPassReverse https://nifi-host:8443
  • Additional NiFi proxy configuration must be updated to allow expected Host and context paths HTTP headers.

    • By default, if NiFi is running securely it will only accept HTTP requests with a Host header matching the host[:port] that it is bound to. If NiFi is to accept requests directed to a different host[:port] the expected values need to be configured. This may be required when running behind a proxy or in a containerized environment. This is configured in a comma separated list in nifi.properties using the nifi.web.proxy.host property (e.g. localhost:18443, proxyhost:443). IPv6 addresses are accepted. Please refer to RFC 5952 Sections https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-4 and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-6 for additional details.

    • NiFi will only accept HTTP requests with a X-ProxyContextPath, X-Forwarded-Context, or X-Forwarded-Prefix header if the value is allowed in the nifi.web.proxy.context.path property in nifi.properties. This property accepts a comma separated list of expected values. In the event an incoming request has an X-ProxyContextPath, X-Forwarded-Context, or X-Forwarded-Prefix header value that is not present in the allow list, the "An unexpected error has occurred" page will be shown and an error will be written to the nifi-app.log.

  • Additional configurations at both proxy server and NiFi cluster are required to make NiFi Site-to-Site work behind reverse proxies. See Site to Site Routing Properties for Reverse Proxies for details.

    • In order to transfer data via Site-to-Site protocol through reverse proxies, both proxy and Site-to-Site client NiFi users need to have following policies, 'retrieve site-to-site details', 'receive data via site-to-site' for input ports, and 'send data via site-to-site' for output ports.