Apache NiFi Registry REST APIPDF version

4.11. BundleVersion

Name Description Schema

bucket optional

The bucket that the extension bundle belongs toExample : "4.6. Bucket"

4.6. Bucket

bundle optional

The bundle this version is forExample : "4.24. ExtensionBundle"

4.24. ExtensionBundle

dependencies optional

The set of other bundle versions that this version is dependent onExample : [ "4.12. BundleVersionDependency" ]

< 4.12. BundleVersionDependency > array

filename optional

Example : "string"


link optional

An WebLink to this entity.Example : "4.35. JaxbLink"

4.35. JaxbLink

versionMetadata required

The metadata about this version of the extension bundleExample : "4.13. BundleVersionMetadata"

4.13. BundleVersionMetadata